(31) Hungover

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When My Heart Stops, I'll Give It To You

Chapter 31: Hungover

Nessa's P.O.V.

When I woke up, I instantly realized three things. One: I had an excruciating headache, which made me slower to realize everything else. Once I got a little used to the pain, I noticed that I was in a unknown bed in an unknown bedroom. Then my eyes slowly went down to the snoring boy beside me. I can't remember what happened last night. I really shouldn't of drank so much for my first time, and I knew that, but I didn't exactly regret it.

I started to panic when I connected the dots that I was drunk and Liam was in bed with me.

Taking a deep breath, I hit Liam hard on the back until he finally shot up. "What?!" He snapped, obviously annoyed. The covers fell as he sat up to reveal his beautiful six pack and I quickly slapped my hand over my eyes.

"Oh God. Oh. What the hell happened last night?" I said quickly, trying to discreetly check under the covers if I was clothed fully.

Liam stared at me, blinking the sleep from his eyes, trying to register what I said before his little smirk formed into a loud laugh. I sat there and frowned as he continued to laugh over my expense.

"Liam, please just tell me dammit."

Liam nodded, looking like he wanted to laugh more but was holding it back. "You thought that...we...?" He trailed off into hysterics again.

I blushed harder and glared at him. Was it really that funny and ridiculous of an idea that we would sleep together? I'm offended.

"Liam," I begged, shaking his shoulders.

"Alright, alright I'm done. Nothing happened. Your dad pissed you off. We came back to my room, had a few drinks, then you fell asleep and insisted for me to stay with you." Liam explained still grinning.

"I was drunk. You weren't. You shouldn't of listened to me and just gone to bed." I insisted, embarrassed by the thought of me begging Liam to stay with me.

"I dunno, you were pretty persistent," He continued, smirk growing wider and wider, as if sensing my embarrassment.

"Shut up." I mumbled, climbing out of the bed, my head aching as I moved, and trying to open the door only to see it was locked. "Why the hell is this locked?"

"Calm down, babe. I locked it last night because Amber's strictly against drinking, plus she'd kill me if she knew I got you drunk." Liam got up and slowly approached me, blocking my way from the door. "Which means hungover Nessa is not allowed out of my room for the rest of the day."

"You're kidding right?" I snapped, feeling woozy.

"No, I'm not," Liam frowned, grabbing my arm and steering me away from the bed. "Make yourself comfortable, but you aren't leaving this room."

"And what are you going to tell Amber when she asks where I am?" I remarked snidely.

"That you were upset about Chris being gone and is therefore staying up in your room all day." He snapped back, seemingly proud of himself for thinking of that.

I shook my head, shrugging. "Whatever, Liam. You win. Just give me the remote to the TV at least." I reasoned, Liam looking at me in confusion.

"Really? I would've thought you to put up more of a fight." He snickered.

"This hangover is clouding my insight. If you're going to make me stay in here, give me the damn remote and make me some breakfast."


Writers comment: sorry this was a short and also a filler chapter so I apologize for the boringness.

I would've had this update earlier but I fell asleep while writing it lol anyways ily guys see ya next Thursday

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