(29) Coffee Shop

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When My Heart Stops, I'll Give It To You

Chapter 29: Coffee Shop

Nessa's P.O.V.

I stared blandly into the mirror in front of me, a beaming Amber behind me. I didn't even know there was that much to do to your face. Foundation, concealer, bronzer, blush, highlighters and a bunch of other crap I didn't identify. I usually just put on some lipstick and mascara and was good to go. This whole thing felt very wrong with the boys on a life threatening journey or whatever.

"You look beautiful." Amber squealed, looking like a kid proud of her finger painting. Which is kinda what makeup is; painting.

"Well," I cleared my throat, still staring at myself. To me, I looked like I was about to be in a pageant with all this crap on my face. But I didn't want to hurt her feelings. "Uhm, wow thanks, Amber."

She had even curled my hair, which was a laborious task, because first you had to straighten my natural curls and then you had to curl my hair into actually pretty, wavy curls.

"Let's go show Liam," Amber grinned, grabbing my arm and already pulling me down the stairs, into the family room.

"Is this necessary?" I sigh, not even really trying to protest. I don't care enough.

"First of all, I'm not going to let you mope around the whole time Chris is gone. Second of all, yes it is necessary. You have to show off to someone, what's the point if you don't?" She argued, stopping me in front of a slouched Liam on the couch.

I was going to argue with that more, but I decided what's the point.

"Liam," Amber snapped, causing is head to rise, his eyes locking with mine.

His green eyes went over me until he just said, "She already has nice curly hair."

"Thanks," I muttered, eyeing him suspiciously. That's the first nice gesture I've gotten from him, except for his excessive flirting.

Liam shot me a wink. "If you're trying to distract me so that you can sneak out to see who sent the letter, it's not going to work. Maybe if you put on a short little maids outfit, brought me a beer-"

"Oh, shut up, Liam. I just needed to show off my work and you're the only other person." Amber rolled her eyes, plopping next to him on the couch.

My mind was off thinking about the letter and meeting up with the mystery guy at the coffee shop. Who was he? How did he get Aiden to write it for him, and why did he need to? Obviously he's not a person I'm sweet with if he tried so hard to pretend to be someone else.

I knew I had to find out who it was. I just didn't know how.


I paced around Christopher's room, trying to come up with an idea. Liam suddenly sauntered in, plopping right onto the bed. Pouting, I sat cross legged in front of him.

I turned towards Liam, our faces pretty close together. "Liam, please just let me go," I begged, grabbing his hand in mine.


"Don't you want to get out of here for one night? I know you've been cooped up in this place for awhile. You can come with me." I added desperately.

Liam stared at me for awhile with a blank expression before his lips slowly curved into a smirk. "You know what? Fine. But I'm coming with you. And you can't tell Amber."

I grinned, jumping off the bed. "Deal."

"We'll leave tonight."

"You know, that was much easier than I thought." I smiled, pulling my hair off my neck.

"Don't push it."


"Can you be any louder?" Liam snapped at me, grabbing my hand and pulling me through the dark house. Amber was asleep and the all the lights in the house were out, causing me to trip over numerous things like chairs or steps.

Finally, we made it out the front door to Liam's car.

Once we were in, he didn't waste any time turning on the car and pulling out of the driveway. "Ok, where am I heading?"

I sigh and begin to fed him out the directions to the coffee shop. "So, I didn't want to ask you this until I knew you were taking me but, what's in this for you?"

"Why do you ask?" He countered.

"I figured you were going to ask something of me when I wasn't expecting it. So, what is it?" I frowned.

Liam shrugged, his eyes glinting. "Like you said, I haven't been out of there in a long time. And honestly, I figured if I didn't take you, you'd find some way. I rather me take you and know you're safe."

I nodded and turned my head to look out the window at my surroundings. All I could see was open fields and I knew the coffee shop was far from here. "Where are we exactly? I mean, I know we're still in Chicago, but where?"

"I can't tell you. It's confidential."

I rolled my eyes, looking back out the window to see the beginnings of buildings. "I spy with my little-"

"Hell no. We're not playing that game." He interrupted.

"Yes, we are. I spy with my little eye something brown."

"My hair." Liam said quickly.

"Dammit. You're good." I frowned.

"My turn. I spy with my little eye something polka dotted." Liam smirked.

I looked around the car vigorously until I realized the only polka dotted thing in the car was my slightly showing bra strap. I hit his arm hard and slouched in my seat. "Seriously?"

"What? I'm a guy. I can't help where my mind goes."


"Are you going to go in or are you just going to stare at it?" Liam snapped impatiently. We were standing outside of the coffee shop where Aiden and I used to go every now and then after school.

"I'm trying to see if I recognize anyone in there." I told him, standing on my tiptoes. Liam, who towered over me, just scoffed at my shortness.

"Do you need me to put you on my shoulders?" He smirked.

"I said I was trying to see inside the coffee shop, not into heaven." I snapped back.

"You're just jealous that I'm tall and you're a midget."

"Whatever, let's just go in." I sighed, the door jingling as I opened it. My eyes searched around the room. If I was right and this guy had talked to Aiden, it meant that the man would be sitting in Aiden and I's booth. I made my way over to it to see that there was already a guy sitting there with his back to us.

I glanced over Liam and he nodded in approval. Slowly walking up to him, I went ahead and slid into my side, but right as I did a gasp left me and I almost jumped right back up.

"Hi." He said, giving me a nervous grin. "It's been awhile."


Writers Comment: I'm literally shit at posting on the right day so you know what screw the schedule. I'll either update on Thursdays or Fridays from now on. Sorry guys!

So who do you think it is? :)

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