(33) More Secrets

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When My Heart Stops, I'll Give It To You

Chapter 33: More Secret

Nessa's P.O.V.

I pushed Liam away from me, his hot breath on my neck had shot tingles down my body. "What all has Christopher not told me?"
He smirked and leaned his body over mine against the shelf. "I don't think I should tell you that. That's a 'couple conversation'."
"Liam, just tell me." I begged, annoyed that there was so much being kept from me.
He leaned in closer, so close our lips almost touched. "Do you really wanna know, babe?"
I nodded, a little rattled at the lowness of his voice.
"Are you sure?" Liam whispered, his lips brushing against the soft spot on my neck.
Knowing my voice would betray me, I nodded again.
Liam chuckled a little, kissed my neck then backed away from me. "Well, I'm not telling you."
He began to walk out before I gathered my senses. "What the hell, Liam?"
"It was fun, babe." Liam teased before shutting the door behind him.
I stood there in shock for a moment, trying to gather all of what just happened. The little shit had been teasing me just for his amusement. He was all pissed off one second then the next trying to seduce me. He's freaking crazy and I don't understand him. My buzz is defiantly gone now, though.
Taking one last look at the horrifying objects around me, I open the door and walk out. I felt like I could breathe once the door was shut and I was down the hall. But not being able to see that room anymore didn't mean it didn't exist.
"Where were you all day, Ness?" Amber asked me, shoving a spoonful of mash potatoes into her mouth. It was dinner time and the three of us were sitting at the table for eleven people. Amber had to basically yell across the table for me to hear her, since I had been trying to sit as far away from Liam as possible.
"She was with me," Liam grinned, shooting me a wink. Obviously sitting away from him didn't help his flirting.
I rolled my eyes and ignored him."Uh, I didn't feel too good," I answered, which was true.
"Next time, come downstairs and let me take care of you. I was so bored." Amber sighed dramatically.
I suddenly realized that she had just opened a topic I could ask a question about. "Why didn't you just go hang out with the other people here? I mean, there is other people here, right?"
I saw Liam give me a look from the corner of his eye like he knew what I was up to, but I just kept eye contact with Amber.
"Yes, of course. They just aren't really sociable, honestly. They never come out of their rooms. We have a few maids that bring them food," She said smoothly, as if it was rehearsed.
Liam cleared his throat, forcing me to look at him. "Why so curious, Nessa?"
I gave him a tight smile. "I dunno. If I'm going to be living here, I'd like to know a few things."
"It's perfectly reasonable to wonder," Amber added, shooting me a friendly smile. "She's allowed to ask questions, Liam."
I stupidly felt brave all the sudden and asked, "What are we going to do after this is all over?"
Amber dropped her fork and Liam and her shared a glance. "Those kind of things you need to ask Christopher."
"Christopher isn't here and if he was, he probably still wouldn't tell me. Please." I begged, pushing my plate of food away.
"Fine," Liam snapped, obviously aggravated.
"Liam, don-"
"No, she wants to know, Amber. When all this shit is over and we survive- if we survive- we're all going back to heaven. You're basically our one way ticket back," Liam rushed out, staring at me hard in the eyes.
My stomach dropped. "Wait, so Chris-"
"Yes, Nessa. That means bye bye to Chris too. You won't ever see him again. Until you die, of course."
I sat still in my chair, staring blankly at table in front of me, trying to process through my head what Liam had just told me. Christopher would leave me-again.
"I can't believe you told her, asshole."
I heard Amber saying, but it sounded far away now.
"She's a big girl, Amber. She can take care of herself and her own shit. She has to get through this." Liam responded, sounding calm.
"You're an idiot."
"Hey, on the bright side, if Chris breaks the rules and does something evil, he's out. He'll be a regular human again."
"With him being human, he'll also always have a bit of demonic power in him from breaking the rules. That'd be awful. Any way none of this turns out okay." Amber reasoned.
"She'll probably kill herself so she can be with him." Liam sighed.
"We can't let that happen. It would be your fault for her suicide, you'd be kicked out again."
"I don't really care."
"Why didn't he tell me?" I suddenly whispered, interrupting their conversation.
"Chris didn't want to hurt you. But he was going to tell you-I swear." Amber told me softly.
"I hate him." I muttered.
"No, you don't," Liam sighed, annoyed. "Don't be dramatic."
"I hate him!" I yelled, throwing my glass of wine across the room before breaking out in a sob, the kind the crumbles up your whole body into a ball. Like the whole world is weighing down on you.
Liam tried to approach me and I began to hit him hard on the chest, pushing and scratching until he eventually wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into an embrace. My hands stopped and I focused all my energy on sobbing. I hate Christopher. I hate him for not telling me. I hate him for coming into my perfectly normal life and screwing everything up. But most of all, I hate him for making me fall in love with him when he knew he was just going to leave me in the end.
Liam pulled me a little away from him so he could wipe the tears from eyes. He actually looked sorry. "I shouldn't have told you."
I should tell him that he was right for telling me and that he did the right thing, but I'm too selfish to. I'm too wrapped up in the unchangeable fact that Christopher is leaving me.
I just want it all to go away.
w/c: wow ok cool sorry for the long wait once again. i didn't know how this chap should go so it took me awhile but yes anyways ily guys tysm for everything you are all great 👌

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