Chapter 1

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own any characters from the Percy Jackson series.  Rick Riordan is king in that department.  I do own my character, but other than that, the references I make to PErcy Jackson belong to Rick.

Chapter 1

You know what the unfair part everything is?  The part where friends start drifting away and stop being friends.  And that guy you liked two months ago?  He decided the didn't want to associate himself with someone who doesn't exactly talk about boys all the time and talk about what makeup brands they use.  That part where you get to the point of walking down the hallway and feeling invisible.  Having one, maybe two friends total who are never nearyou in school, only at lunch.  

      That part of everything has hit me hard-like a truck.  So here I am, sitting in the back corner of Honors English class, watching my teacher blab on about something having to do with rhetorics, while I think about my sophomore year high school so far.  We're about two months in at Rockland Sherman High School.  And let me say right now that it's been pretty crappy.  I mean, freshman year had been tough-but it was supposed to be.  It was freshman year.  But apparently, everybod that I considered to be my friend had decided over the summer that they were going to start ignoring my texts, calls and IM's.

       When I actually would get ahold of them,  they would always say, "Family thing, sorry." And then hang up before I got a chance to reply.  Later on I'd see them posting pictures of themselves having fun at the beach, the movies, pretty much everywhere we all used to hang out.  This summer, I pretty much spent my time in my room reading books and watching Netflix.  

      Sophomore year has been bad in a totally seperate way-at least I had friends to band with.  It's so much worse when you're alone.  The bell rings, and I jump a little bit, not like anyone sees me anyway.  Usually, I'm the first out the door, but I got stuck behind these two guys walking annoyingly slow.  Skirting around them wasn't going to work.  

So walking behind them in the crowded hallway that smelled of hormones and more hormones seemed like the way it was going to have to be.

   "Hey man, hear about the new guy?  I've heard he's a douche."  

    Don't you just love how boys talk about the other boys? (Not that girls are much different.  I speak from experience.)

 "Dude, I heard he can speak another language."

 Big whoop.  I can speak four.

 Another day, another six hours of pure torture with the happy couples, the best friends-you know, the inseperable kind.  Anyway, this new kid is probably some big shot who thinks he's the greatest person to ever walk this planet.  

Wow, was I wrong.

 First time I saw this new 'golden boy'  of Rockland Sherman,  I was eating lunch at my usual table in the back against the wall.  He walked into school with this aura around him, as if saying, "You can't touch me."  At first, all I could see was the back of his head, and obviously it would be totally creepy to stare, so I went over my quadratic formulas for the second time.  When I looked back up, I furrowed my eyebrows.  Where the hell did he go?  I was just about to scan the entire cafeteria for this kid, one unfamiliar face in the sea of teenagers I've known since pre-school, when my eyes settled on a tall figure standing right infront of me, looking at me.

I took in his features.  Very tan and gorgeous, may I say.  Dark brown eyes and dark hair that swept to the side and almost fell in his face messily.

 "Is anyone sitting here?"  He asked ina very deep voice.  

He stared at me, as if waiting for an answer.

 "No, go right ahead."

 I smiled, and he smiled back for a second, which made my stomach lurch, mind you,  then went right back to that brooding expression he had on his face a moment before.  That expression reminded me of a look I'd seen before, but at that moment I wasn't going to rack my brain to try and remember.  We sat in silence for a couple of minutes, which had to have been the longest minutes of my life.

      I should probably say something, but I would just make a fool out of myself, like always.  He cleared his throat and looked at me, a kind of sadness in his eyes that usually people don't notice, because it's masked by a smile.

 "So um, how long have you been at this school?"  He asks.

 A feeble attempt to make conversation.  "All my life."  I reply, then added, "But I hate it here."

Without looking up, he mumbles "Whaddaya mean?"  

He sounds genuinely curious.  So I figure what the hell, and tell him everything hat has happened with me and my old friends.  He watched me intently as I spoke, which kind of creeped me out, but I continued on with my story.  The look in his eyes read familiarity, although I'm pretty sure I would remember if I met someone that looked like him.

 "... and here we are."  I finish.

 He laughs, a real, beautiful laugh that made the dimples in his cheeks come out.  I puffed out my cheeks.  "If you really hated it here, you would've left already."

 He glances at me, then back at his food. Then, before I can reply to him, he stands up, grabs his things, and tells me. "Well, looks like I have a new friend.  Thanks for letting me listen."  He walks away before I blink.  I sit back into the cafeteria chair once he leaves.  

What was that?


Sorry, I know it sucks.  Is this moving way too fast? Let me knowwww!! Constructive comments would be helpfull! Thankssss!

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