Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 

I ran through the hallways of the long hallway. I had no idea where I was, and it absolutely terrifiied me. The first door I stumbled upon, had some kind of dragon looking thing in a cage and I ran out of there so fast I think I got whiplash.

 I felt like i was trapped in a nightmare, but I know I definitely woke up this morning. The second door had weird seal things, so that one I closed just as fast.  I really hoped they didn't see me, because unlike the dragon thing, they were not in a cage.  

The third door I stumbled upon, I was more cautious than the other two times.  In the room, there were two people, around my age, tied up and bound.  The guy looked like he was unconscious, and the girl was struggling to get the ropes off.  I almost went in the room to cut them loose, but then I noticed the things that were keeping them there-sitting at a table were two huge monsters, dressed in loincloths made of chainlinks.  

They were grimy and disgusting, and I can tell you right now, they did not smell too great.  They each had one eye in the center of their forehead, and if you don't know what they're called,I can't help you.  The cyclopes were playing a card game, and they kept looking back to make sure their prisoners were still there.  I went to wak away, but I stopped, and thought What the hell. 

 I tried to make eye contact with the girl.  She was really pretty despite the fact she was tied up and all that jazz.  She had black spiky hair and really blue eyes.  I waved my arms, did every gesture that i could do quietly and without two cyclopes noticing.

Finally, she caught my eye.  Her eyes narrowed, like she was trying to figure out who I was.  I pointed to the monsters, then at me.  I’m pretty sure she got what I was saying.  Then I steeled my nerves and yelled.  “Hey! looks like you missed one!”  I called, and their eyes turned to look at me. 

One growled.  “I’ll take care of it.” 

He stood up, and I realized maybe this wasn’t the best idea.  I ran out of the room, thank God I wore sneakers today.  I could hear the cyclops behind me, and it sounded like he was catching up to me.  Today is the day I die. 

A huge hand yanked my sweater, pulling me off the ground.  I screamed at the top of my lungs, as if someone might hear me.  The cyclops turned me around to face him.  Let me tell you, being eye to eye with a cyclops of myth is not fun. 

His face was all scarred and scratched.  His huge eye was bloodshot, and i did not want to know what his last meal consisted of.  He chuckled, a bellowing sound, and carried me back to the room like a kitten. 

As soon as we walked into the gargantuan door, I knew something was up.  The girl was no longer tied up, and there was an unconscious cyclops on the floor.  She had a sword of some sort drawn, and a horrible shield.  It had the head of something that was terifiying to look at, with snakes for hair.  As I watched, the cyclops on the floor disinegrated into powder. 

What the actual hell is going on right now?  Did i accidentally do meth this morning and not remember it? The cyclops holding me bellowed, and dropped me 6 feet onto the ground.

A shooting pain ran up my shins, but I still tried to get up.  My legs felt broken, and I really hoped they didn’t look as bad as they felt.  I turned my attention back to what was unfolding in front of me. 

The girl was full-on battling the cyclops, slashing and stabbing where she could.  The monster tried to grab her, but she was way to fast for him.  One fatal blow to the stomach, and the monster exploded into the same powder the other one did. 

The only sound in the room was heavy breathing, and I just looked at the girl in awe.  I just really hoped she wouldn’t want to hurt me like Nico did. 

She touched her horrifying shield, and it shrunk until it was a bracelet on her wrist.  She ran over to the guy in the corner, and untied him.  He was definitely unconscious now, and if she didn’t get some pressure on that head wound, it may already be too late.  She rummaged through her bag, and pulled out a baggie filled with squares of something, and fed it to him.  I didn’t see how that would help, he needed actual medical attention. 

Immediately, the gash on his forehead began to heal, the blood loss receding.  That shouldn’t be possible.  It’s not physically possible, but then again, I just watched a girl kill two creatures that shouldn’t exist.  The guy’s eyes opened slightly, and he looked up at the girl.  He sat up, and noticed me, sitting in the corner, not moving because of suspected broken legs.  The girl turned around and seemed to remember I was there, and she smiled. 

She came over and offered me a hand.  “That’s not the best idea,” I told her. 

She looked concerned.  “Why?” 

“I don’t think my legs are in one piece.”  She frowned and got the same stuff she gave to boy. 

The boy came over as well, and kneeled next to me.  He was good looking, with blonde hair and blue eyes like the girl’s.

  “What is that stuff?”  I asked her. 

“What do you mean?  It’s ambrosia.” 

“What’s ambrosia?” 

She looked at the guy.  “You don’t know what that is?” 

“No.  Should I?” 

The guy spoke.  “How did you get here in the first place?” 

“Some things took me and my um...” I didn’t know what to call Nico.  I mean, i thought he was my friend, but then he almost tried to kill me, so i’m not so sure.  “classmate.  They led us down here to this Eurystheus guy, and then my friend like freaked out and it turned out he wasn’t my friend and then he tried to kill me, and took off into the shadows, and here I am, trying to find my way out.” 

As soon as I said he faded into the shadows, they looked at each other, like that was something they did not want to hear. 

“So, do you know what um... demigods are?” 

I shook my head.  The guy looked at his friend and muttered, “She might be mortal.  The ambrosia may kill her.” 

Kill me? 

“Listen, do you know any hospitals around here?  Cuz I kind of just wanna go home.” 

The guy looked at my legs.  “Do you think you can walk?” 

“I can only try, I guess.”  They helped me up.  Immediately, pain shot up my legs and a wave of nausea overcame me.  I crumpled. 

“Apparently not,”  I croaked.  

There was a growl and the sound of footsteps from down the hall.  At that point, I cracked. I started hyperventilating and shaking.

  Did I feel pathetic?  Yes.  Yes I did. 

The girl said, “We gotta get out of here.  Like now.”  She looked at the guy.  “You’re going to have to carry her.” 

He nods and scoops me up, bridal style.  I decided he smelled really good.  As we rushed out of the room, I realized I didn’t know what their names were.

  “You know, I never got what your names are.” 

“I’m Jason.”  The guy said as we ran through the dimly lit hallway. 

“I’m Thalia,” said the girl.  “Son and daughter of Zeus.”

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Sorry this sucks.  I really need to work on how to write better!  Read, Comment, Vote.  Thank you!

Memories (Percy Jackson)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя