Chapter 6 Part 2

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I woke up in a field. 

I was surrounded by grass and flowers, and I was looking at a bright blue sky.  Your typical beautiful day.  I heard to people talking, and went to sit up. 

It hurt.  Alot. 

I was extremely light-headed, and it made me want to go back to sleep.  After a minute of blinking spots out of my eyes, I was able to look around.  At the edges of the vast field, there were trees like the ones outside of my school, so I knew I must be in good old New Hampshire; or anywhere in New England, for that matter.  I located the source of the talking I heard. 

It was Thalia, speaking with Jason about something.  I didn’t hear much of it, because they were standing pretty far away from me, but I got little words, like “Hades”  or “know about it.”  

I went to stand up, but then just seemed to remember that I was dropped by a Cyclops and broke my legs. 

If somebody doesn’t explain what is going on right now, I might freak out.  I mean, I obviously it happened, or I wouldn’t be sitting in  field with broken legs and two people I met in a tunnel underground.

As soon as the pain shot up my legs, I yelped, causing Thalia and Jason to turn and look at me.  They walked over together, and kneeled down next to me. 

My voice was a croak, though I’m not sure why. 

“What do you remember?”  Thalia asked me. 

I shrugged.  “The usual. Mythical creatures that aren’t supposed to exist.  No biggie.”  

Jason muttered under his breath, “She sounds like Leo.” 


  “Oh, no one.”  

“Okay then.  Where are we?”   

Jason looked at the scenery.  “I’m pretty sure we’re somewhere in Massachusetts,” he decided.  Thalia ignored him. “What did you say your name was, again?” 


Thalia sighed.  “Well, you’re Greek.” 

I rolled my eyes.  Obviously I was Greek.  My name is like, the definition of Greek.  “I know I’m Greek.  My question is, why did something that’s not supposed to exist drop me on my face, and why does it exist in the first place?” 

Jason sighed.  “I hate going on this spiel.”  He said.  “You know the Greek gods?”  He asked. 

“Yeah, of course.” 

“What if I told you they were real?” 

I laughed.  “You guys have to be shitting me.  Am I getting pranked right now?”  I looked around for hidden cameras.  Their faces were deadpan, and they didn’t look like they were kidding at all.

  “You’re serious.”  They nodded. 

“So you’re telling me that Ancient Greek gods exist.”  Once again, they nodded. This was alot to take in.  But I mean, what was I supposed to expect? 

“So, like, these gods can hear us, right now?”  For the third time, they nodded.  Alright, that settles it.  I’m going insane. 

“So when you said your dad was Zeus, you meant..” 

“Our dad is the god of the sky, yeah.” 

“Oh.  Okay.” 

“Cyrena,” Thalia started, “Do you have two parents?” 

“Well, yeah.” 

“And they live with you and everything?”  I nodded my head.  She looked confused. 

Jason sounded exasperated.  “Thal, lets just get her back to camp and have Chiron help us figure it out.” 

Thalia looked at him like, That might not be the best idea. But she nodded anyway.  “Can you get us there from here?” 

He shrugged.  “It’s not that far.” 

“Alrighty then,”  Thalia said as she stood up.  “Time for you to meet everyone.” 

She grabbed Jason’s hand.  “Who’s everyone?”  Jason grabbed my hand. 

“All our friends. I think you’ll like them.”  And with that, Jason lifted off the ground, pulling me and Thalia along for the ride.


Once again, short chapter.  If you like it, please let me know, it makes my day!  Tell yo internet friends! Lol I'm an idiot I'll shut up now.

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