Chapter 8 Part 2

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Chapter 8 Part 2

I ended sitting on a table on the porch. 

The man Percy had introduced me to mended my legs with some sort of incantation that was apparently a lot more powerful than Will's.  Percy was next to me, along with Thalia and Jason.  The man in the wheelchair’s name was Chiron, and he told me that to enter this camp, I would have to be a demigod like everyone else. 

You see, I would’ve been excited about this, but I had two parents that lived with me, and I’m almost positive one of them is not a god.  I’m pretty sure I would’ve noticed.  It was awkwardly quiet before Chiron spoke. 

“I know this is a lot to take in, but-” 

“No.  I have two parents who love me and I’m theirs.  Now I don’t know what you think you know about me, but it’s not true.”

  Chiron sighed.  “I know it’s going to take sometime, but you need to face the facts that one of your parents is an Olympian.” 

Thalia piped up.  “Cyrena, what you did back in that corridor-no mortal could’ve done that.”

  I don’t even know what happened back there, and for all I know they could be lying to be to get me to stay so they can get me killed.  Chiron stopped Thalia as she was about to finish another sentence. 

“What did she do back in this cavern?” 

Thalia looked at Percy.  “I thought you told him!” 

“I thought you were going to tell him!” 

Thalia sighed and looked at Chiron.  “When we were underground held captive by the Cyclopes, she found us and distracted them, and got scooped up in the process.  One of them dropped her to charge at me. That’s how she broke her legs.” 

Jason interrupted.  “I scooped her up and we tried to get out of there, but apparently they all smelled us because telkhines and dracanae were everywhere.  We were surrounded and-”

Thalia spoke again.  “Cyrena screamed, like at the top of her lungs, and all of the monsters sunk into the ground like they were being eaten alive.” 

Chiron’s expression was dark, and he looked angry, which really scared me.  “You should have told me this,”  Chiron started. 

“We know.”  Thalia and Percy said in unison. 

“Cyrena, my dear, do you mind taking a tour of the camp with Leo?” 

Jason protested.  “Are you sure? Leo?” 

Chiron nodded. I really hope this guy isn’t a complete asshole. 

“Jason, go grab him.  I think he’s in the forge.”  Jason nodded and ran off, leaving me with everyone else. 

After a couple seconds, Percy  tried to say something.  “We could call-”  Chiron silenced him.  I could tell he didn’t want to discuss anything with me standing there. 


  I turned around, and there was the kid that I saw annoying the other people.  He looked Latino, with curly dark brown hair and brown eyes.  He was really cute.  He had this smile on his face, and he just looked attractive.  Yesssss. 

“Leo, I’m going to need you to show Miss..”  He looked at me.  “Masten,”  I replied. 

Chiron smiled.  “Please show Miss Masten the camp.” 

Leo looked at me.  Smirking, he said, “Sounds good.” 

Jason sighed for like the billionth time today.  “Leo, please don’t be an ass.” 

Memories (Percy Jackson)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें