Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

It was weird when my mother let me in to my own house. 

Everything in the house was overturned.  Chairs were splintered and broken in the kitchen, the table lying on it’s side.  I crouched down and picked up a picture of me with my parents.  The glass was shattered, pieces falling out of the frame.

  Who would do this to my house? 

My eyes started watering at the thought of someone doing this while my parents were home.  Percy came up behind me and put his hand on my shoulder. 

“C’mon,” he said softly, as if trying to spare my feelings.  “Let’s go have a talk with your mom.”  

My mom took us upstairs to her bedroom, seemingly the only room that wasn’t susceptable to extreme damage.  Percy and I sat down on the bed, across from my mom who was sitting on the chair in the little office section my dad had decided to install a couple years ago when he started going back to work. 

“What’s this all about?”  I asked.

“You obviously know the answer to that question.”  My mom started taking an interest to her fingernails, not daring to look at me. 

“Where’s Dad?”  I finally asked after a long period of just sitting there. 

My mom looked at me.  “He’s on a paid vacation to Bermuda.  He won’t be coming back for a couple of months.”

  “How did you manage to get him to stay there for months on end?” 

My mother shrugged.  “He saw the demons your father brought for protection from I don’t know what, and sort of just took the money he offered and went.” 

I was visibly shaking.  Percy grabbed my hand in reassurance.  “M-my father?” 

My mom nodded.  “He came to see you about the boy living next door.  When I told him you weren’t here, he went insane and scared the crap out of all the neighbors.”  So that’s why nobody is here.  They all left because of my father. 

Percy chose that moment to speak up. “Mrs. Masten, I think we are all aware that Cyrena’s father is a Greek god, but would you mind me asking if you know which one he was?” 

Mom laughed.  “Of course I know which god he is,”  she retorted.  “I’m not stupid.” 

“Mom.”  I said firmly.  “Who is it?” 

My mother’s expression went serious.  “Hades.  I thought that would be obvious.” 

I’m pretty sure the blood not only drained from my face, but Percy’s face as well. 

“Oh man.”  Percy muttered.  “This is bad.  This is very bad.” 

“Percy Jackson.”  My mother said. “Hades has told me about you.” 

“I bet he has.”  I can honestly say I don’t want to know what they were talking about. 

But, apparently this was the day to tell all.  My mother looked at me and pointed at Percy, keeping the eye contact.  “Your friend here almost maimed your father.  Held his sword right up to his throat and threatened him.”  I looked Percy. 

“Really?” I asked.  He nodded grimly.  “In my defense, he held me in a no oxygen cell in the Underworld and was planning on keeping me in there for seventy years.” 

I think my mom expected me to be angry at Percy, but I didn’t know he even existed, so I didn’t see the big deal of things that happened in the past.  “At least tell me you guys made up.”  He shrugged.  “I guess you could say we did.”

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