Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

We decided to go to dinner somewhere in the resort, though I couldn’t tell you the name of the place.  It was awkward, because we had all just taken showers and gotten dressed, so we really didn’t have anything to talk about. 

“So, um, if we need to go to-” I glanced at Leo’s face before speaking, “that island, does anyone know what we have to do there?”  

Annabeth looked like I had just given her the opportunity of a lifetime. 

“Well, I was doing some research, and-”  

Nico rolled his eyes.  “Here she goes again.  Perfect.”  Annabeth shot him a glare.  

“Anyways, I was doing some research on what that last line of the prophecy was and I think I figured it out.  Erebos.”  

Percy looked confused.  “Who the heck is Erebos?”  

“He’s the god of darkness.  He has a lot of children who might be on his side to help him, like Aither, Hemera, or Eros.”  

I scoffed.  “Eros is definitely not on his side if this is what we’re dealing with.”  

Percy oh’ed in realization.  “That’s why Eros appeared to you in that dream to warn you.”  

Annabeth furrowed her eyebrows. “What dream?”  

I put my head in my hands.  “Why is it, that we always forget to tell people things?”  I asked Percy.  He shrugged.  I sighed and turned to Annabeth.  

I proceeded to tell her what happened in my dream that seemed like it was so long ago, from when he said to ask my brother about his other form Cupid, to him saying I shouldn’t trust all my new friends.  Annabeth listened to my story intently, taking in every syllable. 

“This is extremely confusing.  Somebody’s got to be helping him get what he wants, whatever that may be.”  

Nico shook his head.  “I know what he wants.  Revenge.  To rise above the demigods and slaughter them.  Percy, Annabeth, remember when you were in, um, Tartarus, when you ran into Nyx?  She is the mother of all of Erebos’s children.”  

Percy’s brows furrowed.  “But why would Erebos care?  It’s not like we did anything to Nyx.  We barely escaped.”  

Nico nodded in agreement.  “Yeah, but when you got out of Tartarus, not only was Tartarus himself pissed off, but he made life there unbearable for everyone down there.  So basically everybody’s pissed off and blames you guys.  You technically kept Nyx in torment, so Erebos is royally pissed off.”  

Annabeth looked like she wanted to reach over the table and slap Nico straight across the face.  “And you never thought to tell us this before?”  Annabeth exclaimed.  

Looks like Erebos isn’t the only one royally pissed off.  Nico’s face turned pink.  “I just found out a couple weeks ago. You know how no one could find me?  I was getting info from a friend.”  

Leo looked at him suspiciously.  “A friend?” 

Nico was quiet.  To spare some awkward silence and then what was sure to follow, meaning intense interrogation, I entered the conversation.  

“Do you guys think Calypso knows something that we need to know?” 

Percy and Leo unknowingly had the same look of guilt and sadness as soon as I said her name.  Annabeth shrugged, apparently oblivious to what was going on.  I never thought I’d say that Annabeth was oblivious to something.  

“Probably.  Why else would the prophecy send us there?” 

I glanced at Leo, who made eye contact with me and looked away quickly.  After that, we just gobbled down whatever entreé we so chose.  

We finally decided we should probably head out the following morning.  Although, where are next rest stop for Nico would be we had no clue.  

“Um, what happens if we land under the water?”  I asked nervously.  

Percy waved me off.  “Doesn’t matter.  Air bubble, or ask my dad to let you guys breathe.”  

I nodded.  We stood right outside the resort, and decided for the best results, we should go where we came-the hole.  We climbed down the little stairs that Nico had previously made.  

We held hands, and Nico said, “Hold your breath, I’m shooting for the middle of the Atlantic.”  

Now, not only was Nico concentrating, but so was Percy. I prepared myself with the uncomfortable feeling of shadow traveling.  

When I opened my eyes again, I almost screamed.  There was a shark swimming right next to my face, but it didn’t seem to notice me.  I was too scared to breathe.  I looked over at Percy, who actually looked dry.  

He smiled at me and closed his eyes, and in a split second, we were all encased in a gigantic bubble on the seafloor.  


I'm really sorry for all of these really short fillers, but I have to figure out what I'm doing with this ending and if I'm going to make a sequel or not.  It'll get interesting soon I swear!

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