Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Leo led me back to the house, which he later told me was nicknamed the ‘Big House’.  The name fit, I guess. 

Anyway, when we got there, the rest looked like they were in the middle of a very heated discussion, and I looked at Leo silently pleading to go back down the hill before they notice us.  Leo sighed and we walked up the steps. 

-“But Chiron, what if something was going on and we needed help from all the Big Three children we could find to do it?”  Percy spoke.  “I mean, I know we have me and Thalia and Jason, and we’ll have Hazel, but I seriously doubt Nico will want to help after all he’s been through, and he’s probably the most powerful child of Hades out there.” 

Nico.  That name made my face go pale.  I felt clammy.  They know him?  I turned to Leo while they still hadn’t noticed us. 

“If I knew you guys were friends with that guy I would’ve never have come here.”  I hissed. 

Apparently, I hiss a little too loud. 

Every eye on that porch turned to look at me.  “What did you mean, that guy?” 

“That Nico guy.  He almost killed me.”  Chiron put his fingers on his temples like he was getting a migraine. 

Percy frowned.  “Nico’s a good guy.   Little scary when he wants to be, but-”

  “You mean alot scary,”  Leo muttered. 

Percy ignored him.  “But he wouldn’t hurt anyone unless provoked.  Did you make him angry?”  I shook my head.  Chiron spoke after looking like he was trying to clear his head.  “Maybe the question we should be asking is how you knew Mr. Di Angelo in the first place.” 

Nico Di Angelo.  It was a beautiful name, although the actual person freaked me out.  “He came to my school, told me his name was Michael.  One minute he would be all happy and perky, the next really dark and sad.  It freaked me out.” 

“The second part sounds like Nico.”  Percy said absentmindedly. 

I told them the rest of the story, of how we got underground with the empousai and the dracanae.  Percy looked pale when I mentioned the empousai.  Seems like he had a lot of experience in that field.  I then proceeded to tell them about the whole deal with Eurystheus and how he just disappeared.  When I finished my story.  Everybody was quiet. 

“What does this mean?”  Jason demanded. 

“I wish I knew.”  Chiron said.  “We need to get Nico back here.  Or maybe we could get Hazel to, for that matter.”  Leo spoke from next to me.  “I’ll send her an Iris message.” 

I have no clue what an Iris message is, but Leo patted my shoulder reassuringly before running off in the direction of the cabins.  He seemed to forget about what he was going to tell the others about who he thought my godly parent was.  He seemed to have a very short attention span.  We turned around and gave me big thumbs up.  Then he almost tripped and fell, which made me laugh really hard.  His face turned bright red, and I could’ve sworn his fingertips were smoldering. He turned around and disappeared behind the volleyball courts. 

“While Leo is taking care of that, why don’t we get you settled in?”  Woah, there.  I never said I was staying.  I didn’t agree to that. 

“Actually, I have to go home.  My parents are probably worried sick.” Chiron sighed and looked at me sympathetically.  “I’m sorry to tell you this, but one of your parents isn’t actually your parent.” 

Oh yeah.  That. 

“At least let me go home and confront them on it.  I need to let them know I’m alright.” 

“If we do that, I’m going to have to send someone with you.”  I looked at the three people sitting at the table.  Other than Piper and Leo, these were the  only three people i would want to go with.

Percy stood up.  “I’ll take her,”  He volunteered.  “I can pick up Annabeth on the way back.”  He looked at me.  “Just a teeny weeny detour after.  Sound good?”  I shrugged.  I didn’t see the harm in it. 

Chiron clasped his hands together.  “So it’s settled.  Percy, you leave in an hour.”  He went to walk away, then abruptly turned around.  “Oh, and remember to tell Annabeth you’re coming.  You know how she is.”  Percy grinned.  You could tell by the look on his face that that was one of the many reasons he loved her.  I couldn’t wait to meet this girl.  She seems pretty fierce. 

Since I didn’t have any bags or anything, I just kind of stood inside Percy’s cabin and watched him pack a backpack for the day.  I watched as he put a baggie full of those squares of stuff-what did Thalia call it?  Ambrosia.

  He also put a water bottle full of something in his bright blue bag.  I didn’t really want to know what was in there, but I just hoped Percy hasn’t been hitting the happy juice.  He barely looked 18. The last thing he put in his pocket was a small ballpoint pen.  I didn’t understand the importance of a pen, but I just let it go.  Maybe we’ll meet a paper monster and he’ll have to write on him.  He shouldered his bag and looked at me. 

His arms spread out in a welcoming gesture.  “I hope you enjoyed your stay at the Casa de Percy.”  He said.  I laughed. “Let’s get out of here. I can’t wait for you to meet Wise Girl.”   I was assuming that was a cute little nickname for his girlfriend. 

Since Percy’s old enough to drive, we took a camp van out, a little strawberry advertising going on.  Most of the 7 hour drive up was quiet, occasionally the radio was on.  Percy told me that too much radio signal would attract monsters like moths to a flame. 

I turned the radio off. 

Finally, we reached my small town, and just our luck, the van broke down.  Percy may be a powerful demigod, but apparently, he can’t fix a car for his life.  We had to start walking through the chilly streets to get to my house. 

Unfortunately, you have to pass the high school to get there, and it just happened to be the time everyone got out.  Everyone stared at me. The invisible girl, the one that doesn’t speak, walking down the street with some extremely attractive guy with sea green eyes and black hair that would make anyone swoon.  Annabeth is one lucky girl. 

“Wow. I mean, I’m used to people staring at me, but this is like they’ve never seen anyone outside of this town before.”

  I laughed.  “That’s because most of them have never left .”

This idea seemed to shock him, and Percy didn’t talk too much after that.  We eventually reached my street, and it looked like a ghost town.  Something was most definitely wrong. 

“My road is never this quiet.”  I muttered to Percy.  He reached in his pocket and grabbed the pen he had earlier.  I so would have lost that by now. 

I warily rapped on my front door.  It flew open, which scared both Percy and I, and my mother was standing there, her eyes wide.  She enveloped me in a huge hug, and I’m pretty sure I almost suffocated. 

Percy just awkwardly stood there and looked at the floor or the ceiling. 

“Where have you been?”  She demanded. 

“That’s what I have to talk to you about.” 

She frowned.  Then she seemed to just notice that Percy was there.  One look at him, and her voice turned cold. 

“Percy Jackson.”  She said with distain.  “You’re right, Cyrena.  We have much to talk about.  Let’s start with your father.”


Sorry, sucky chapter.  I have to go to drama, or else I woul post another.  Thank you soo much for 65 reads I was so happy!! And 27 votes?!?! Thank you so mucchhh to everyone who's reading it upp!!! :)

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