Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

You know, you’d think flying would make me freak out, but it didn’t. 

We flew pretty damn fast, over oak trees and colonial houses.  Flying was exhilarating, and I guess I just had to be okay with the fact that Jason could fly.  I looked over at Thalia, and tried to yell over the wind. 

“So, this is, like, normal?”  I called. 

Thalia grinned, like, You haven’t seen anything yet.   So, I’m taking that as a yes. 

I think we were going like 20 miles an hour, and I was terrified my hand would slip from Jason’s.  He tried to yell back to us, but I didn’t hear what he said.  I could feel my stamina draining, the blood seeping out of the wound on my back.  My legs felt like they were dangling without my permission.  Basically, I felt like shit. 

We passed over a bit of ocean off the coast of Rhode Island, then we were back over solid land again, zipping past lakes, and eventually New York City.  I noticed we started to slow down as we came across a field, and I could see beautiful white buildings with huge columns and rows of crops-strawberries.  We were descending, getting closer and closer toward the ground.  We touched down on a beach surrounding a lake.  I could’ve sworn I saw faces looking up at me from the water, but I've already decided I'm going crazy so I brushed it off.

  As soon as I applied pressure on my legs, it went downhill.  I couldn’t stand up, Thalia calling for a medic.  Once again, I asked a universal question.

“Where are we now?” 

Jason answered me as a guy in an orange t-shirt came over to talk to Thalia, and they looked like they were talking about my well-being.  “We’re at the place my friends live, that I told you about.” 

“Yeah, I got that, but where are we?” 

“Long Island Sound.”  I looked around from my seated position on the sand. 

“This would be a great place to put a summer camp.”  I decided.

Jason laughed.  “What did I say?” 

“This is a summer camp.” 

As if on cue, more people with orange t-shirts came out onto the beach. 

“Jason!”  Somebody yelled, and a girl with braids and a choppy hairdo ran and jumped into Jason’s arms. 

They pecked each other on the lips, and I’m not very stupid, so obviously I knew they were dating.  They were cute.  The girl was beautiful, and the haircut really framed her face. 

“I missed you,”  She told him. 

“I missed you too, Pipes.”  Jason said with a grin. 

I turn my attention to the guy who had been talking to Thalia before, who came to kneel down next to me and check out my injuries, I’m assuming.  He pressed on my legs, causing me to yelp out in pain.  Without even speaking to me, he turns to Thalia.

  “Do you know if she’s a demigod or not so I can give her ambrosia?  They should heal fast once I do that.” 

Thalia shrugged.  “She says she has two parents, but she made it into the boundaries of camp with us.” 

“Excuse me, if you don’t mind me asking, what’s a demigod?”  I mean, I knew what a god was and everything, they had explained that, but they had failed to mention what a ‘demigod’ was. 

“Remember when I told you that Jason and I are Zeus’s children?”  I nodded.  “That’s the term for people like us.  We’re half-god, and half-human, so we’re demigods, or half-bloods.” 

I nodded once more.  “Will, can’t you just do one of those Apollo incantations or something?” 

The guy, Will, I’m assuming, kneeled down next to me again and started murmuring something over my legs.  It was very painful, and I had to grit my teeth just to not scream.  

He looked at me with his eyebrows raised, and said “Wow, I’m surprised.  Most people are screaming bloody murder right about now.” 

I shrugged and told him to keep going so I could get it over with.  From there, Will asked me to stand, and it was, again, a failed attempt.  Once again I crumpled, but it was less painful than before.  I sat there in a huff. 

I turned to Jason.  “When can I get out of here?”

  “When we figure out if you belong here or not.”  Not really a clear answer, but at least it was one I could understand.

  My eyes turned to Jason’s girlfriend.  She smiled at me.  She reached for my hand and shook it.

“Hi, I’m Piper.”  She introduced herself. 

“Cyrena.”  I replied.  “You know, your boyfriend saved my life.” 

She looked impressed.  “Oh did he now?” She looked at Jason.  “Sounds like my Jason.” 

He snorted.  “Yeah right, if anybody did the saving it was yo..”  He trailed off, influenced by the glare Thalia was giving him. He went quiet. 

“What did I miss?” 

A guy pushed through the crowd.  Man, what is up with all the attractive people here?  Jet black hair and sea-green eyes, and pretty tall.  He was tan, and you could tell that he was pretty fit.  Like the rest, he wore an orange t-shirt and jeans.  He smiled at me. 

“Hello. You must be the new girl everyone’s buzzing about.  Nice to meet you, I’m Percy Jackson.” 

He reached out and shook my hand.  “Hi.  I’m Cyrena.” 

“Uh, Percy, can I talk to you for a second?”  Thalia asked quietly, trying not to create a scene. 

Percy nodded, and followed her to the edge of the beach and the beginning of the grassline.  I knew they were talking about me by the way Percy kept on looking over at me every five minutes.  His smile faded, and I thought, Shit, what is Thalia telling him about me?  Do I smell or something?

  Everyone was staring at me like I was some horrible disease they didn’t want to catch.  I kind of just sat there.  I turned my attention back to Piper, who was talking to some other really pretty girl. 

“Uh Piper?” 

She turned to look at me. “What’s up?” 

“If Thalia and Jason have a godly parent, do all of you guys do, too?” 

She nodded.  She looked up at the sky like she were talking to it. “Although she can be pain, interfering with my love life sometimes,”  She looked back down at me.  “My mother is Aphrodite, goddess of love.” 

Okay.  Why not.  “And that Will guy that attempted to fix my legs?” 

“His dad’s Apollo.” 

God of sun, medicine, and poetry.  One of the only god I remembered from middle school. 

“What about Percy? He seems okay.” 

Piper laughed.  “Percy’s more than okay.  He took down the Lord of the Titans.” 

“Is that a good thing?” 

“Very.  You just met the son of Poseidon.  Welcome to Camp Half-Blood."


I'm just sitting in English after finishing my Odyssey test, so I was already thinking about Greek Mythology and decided it was time to update. Let me know what you think! :)

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