Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I didn't know where we were going.  

All i knew was i was walking down a corridor made of dirt.  Michael was standing next to me, looking scared as all hell.  I still have no idea what happened earlier, when he just looked so ghaunt and tired and claimed he didn't know who I was.  I must be losing my mind.

 We were flanked from the front and the back.  I could sense the spears pointed at my back although I couldn't see them.

 The empousai walked infront of us, talking about an uprising of some sort.

 "-I'm saying, Merina, we don't know why Master wants these half-bloods."  The other empousa, Merina, snarled.

 "We don't have to know Master's plan, we just go along with it.  We'll finally get our revenge on that godsforsaken camp once and for all."

 "Yes but they've got the others on their side-"  

 "Enough Salena."  Merina snaps.

 Salena goes quiet.  We finally come to the end of the long corridor, and a big set of bronze doors, with huge knockers and everything.  

The doors groaned and opened, revealing a huge room with what looked like solid gold walls.  Sitting in the middle of this huge room was a man in robes, sitting in a huge chair.  He was reading a book, in what looked like Greek.

He hears us come in and looks up.  He's a heavier man, with one of those curly mustaches that usually make people feel very uncomfortable.  But you can just tell that he is royalty;he has a regal look to him, and his robes look expensive enough.  He smiles when he sees us, which makes me extremely uncomfortable.

 "Well! I wasn't expecting such a surprise! "  He beams at Michael.

 "Nico, you're looking better than the last time I saw you!"  Michael just stared at him.

 Who is Nico?  Then it happened again- Michael shuddered, and he looked sad all of a sudden.  He looked around in panic.

 Then he saw the man infront of him and his eyes narrowed and his fists clenched in anger

"Eurystheus.  What did you do to me?"  The man, Eurystheus, chuckled.

 "Just made you.. forget."  He smiles wickedly.

 "Where's my sword?"  Michael/whoever this is demanded.  Then he seemed to notice me.  "You.  You have my sword.  Where is it?"  He stares at me, angry.

 "Look, I don't have any sword, I don't know what you're talking about."

 "Then why are you standing next to me?"

 "Because i came here with you.  Is your name Michael still or what?"  

His eyebrows furrowed.  "I don't know who Michael is, but I can assure you I'm not him. "  

"Oh, but you are."  Eurystheus spoke up from his place in the center of the room.

 "What are you talking about?"

 Eurystheus sighed.   "You see, when we put the trance over you with the help of a child of Hypnos, you had a whole new identity.  Your name was Michael, and you were a happy perky teenager, who just moved to this young lady's school."  He gestured to me.

 Suddenly, I got mad.  Who does this guy think he is?  "You know, I'm pretty sure he doesn't want to here a sob story about himself that he doesn't remember."  I piped up.

 The man looked at me and narrowed his eyes.  "You, should watch what you say."

 "Why should I? You're just flat out annoying."

 His voice got terribly soft, and he looked me in the eyes.  "Do you know who I am?"  He said.

 "Should I?"  I retorted.

 "Have you ever heard the story of Hercules?"

 Of course I've heard the story of Hercules.  You'd have to be living under a rock to not know that story.  Hercules was the son of the king Greek god, Zeus.  Zeus's wife Hera didn't like that she wasn't his mother so she made him go insane and kill his family and a town or something like that.  Then some mean king wanted him to be his slave forever, so he gave him impossible task to do.  But he had to let Hercules go because he completed those tasks.

 "Of course,"  I say.

 "Do you remember the name of that king that Hercules reported to at the end of the day?"  Why would I know that?  I don't memorize ancient Greek names and crap.

I shook my head.  He looked at the Not Mike standing next to me.

 "Would you like to tell her?"  Not Mike looked at me and muttered, "Eurystheus."

 "And what's my name?"  He asked me.

 "Eurystheus."  I said "So your like his ancestor or something?  Who cares?"  The man just laughed.  

"Oh, you have so much you don't know about.  It will be fun watching you die."  Wait, who said anything about dying?  I was really starting to hate this guy.  

"Oh and one more thing, Nico. In this fake life?  You had a mom. "  The blood drained from Nico/Mike's face.  This guy was scary, and I was suddenly really nervous standing next to him.  

He reached down to the floor and placed his palm on the tile and kind of just stayed there for a couple seconds, while Eurystheus called, "Your powers don't work here, you know."

 But Nico stayed there anyway, and the ground began to rumble.  I backed a little bit, and the empousai and dracanae did the same.  I really didn't like what was going on.  What was he doing?

 Then he pulled up a pure-black sword from the ground.  He looked at Eurystheus and smirked.  

"Oh, I think they do."  

He sprung into action.  He whipped around and sliced straight through the dracanae and one of the empousai, and stabbed the other two empousai in the matter of five seconds.  He looked at Eurystheus and pointed the sword.  The sword looked cold, like it sucked in all the warmth around it.

 "Do you want me to kill you now?"  Eurystheus looked at him, smiled, and snapped his fingers, and like that, he was gone.  

Nico then proceeded to turn the sword on me.  "Listen, I know about at much as you do.  Probably less. I ws sitting next to you at my school pep rally, and then those things came and took me and you. I don't know what's going on, and I just want to go home."  

Man, here come the tears.  This is the most scared I've ever been in my life.  

Nico lowered the sword and walked into the dark corner of the room, looked at me again, then vanished into the shadows.

 I was alone.  

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