Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

I was discovered by Annabeth after 15 minutes of sitting in solitude.  I  gave her a cheesy smile as she looked at me suspiciously.  

 “What were you doing in the bathroom all this time?” 

 I shrugged.  “Sitting and thinking.  Why does nobody ever stay?  First my friends, now Leo.  Next thing you know, you and Percy and Nico are gone,”  I threw my hands up.  “And I’ll be sitting here, not knowing what the fuck I’m doing.”  

 Annabeth didn’t say a word.  She closed the bathroom door behind her and sat down next to me.  

 Cyrena, you know as well as I do that Leo is not going to leave.  He’ll stay as long as you think he’s going to stay. He’s not going anywhere, and neither are the rest of us.  We’re your friends.” 

 I sniffed.  “You promise?” I asked.  

 Annabeth smiled and nodded.  “I promise.” 

 I laughed.  “What?”  Annabeth asked, her eyes turning steely again.  

 “I sound like a whiny bitch.”  

 She slung her arm around my shoulders and patted me.  “No, you don’t.  Now that you’ve calmed down a bit, why don’t you tell me why you think Leo is leaving you in the first place?”  

 I told her what Percy had told me.  She sat there staring at the wall, like I had done earlier.  

 “Well, Calypso needs to be put in her place.  I think you should go and talk to Leo.  Tell him Calypso tried the same thing on Percy.  Make him realize nothing is his fault.” 

 I nodded.  “Thanks, Annabeth.”  

 She smiled.  “C’mon.  I’ll get you some time with him.”

 She helped me up and opened the door quietly, so it didn’t look like we’d just been in the bathroom together.  We entered the back of the cabin where Calypso, Leo, and Nico were waiting until we got to Cairo.  

 They all looked up when we opened the loud wooden door.  Leo, once again, avoided my eyes.  I sighed and looked at Annabeth, who quickly nodded to me and clapped her hands.  

 “Guys, there’s food in the rec room if you all want some.”  

 Nico jumped up, and Calypso got up slowly to follow him.  Leo was the last to stand, making his way across the room slowly.  Annabeth cut him off, shutting the door behind her and locking it, leaving Leo and I alone.    Leo sighed, realizing why Annabeth had actually explained a food situation.  

 “Leo, just listen to me.”  I begged, grabbing his arm to keep him from attempting to pry open the door.   

 He turned around, still not saying anything.  He leaned against the door, arms crossed, giving me a look that screamed, I really don’t want to talk. I ignored the look and continued to talk.  

 “I know Calypso probably said something to you that made you feel really guilty that you didn’t come back to her right away, and that you failed her or whatever, but trust me, it isn’t true.  She’s trying to trick you, get you to fall back in love with her.  I mean, she’s one of the nicest people I’ve ever met, and she seems like a good person, but I think she just wants to be loved back.”  

 I looked up, giving a chance to speak.  

 “Rena,” He began, and my heart did little flips when he gave me a nickname.  “I know you think  Calypso is being deceitful or whatever, but she just opened my eyes to what I really did to her.  It’s my chance to make things right with her and not break her heart again.”  

 Anger surged through my body.   “What about breaking my heart?”  

 I don’t think he was expecting that response.  Leo looked at me, stunned.  His eyes widened as he sat down, apparently not able to comprehend what I was telling him. 


 “Do you not realize that I like you a lot?  I’ve liked you since the day we met, and it just gets stronger, and I don’t know why.”  

 Aw, man.  Here come the tears.  I would consider myself not a girly crybaby ike in Nicholas Sparks movies, but right now, I was a Nicholas Sparks poster girl. 

 “I’ve never felt this way about anybody before, and I just don’t want you to leave because you were guilted into something that you had nothing to do with.”  

 The tears streamed freely down my face at this point.  My fists were balled up defiantly, and I was basically shouting at him.  

 “You know what, Leo?  I know this whole act is bullshit because I watched her try the same exact thing on Percy! She knew that if I was there, she would’ve never gotten away with it, because she can see how much I care about you, even though you obviously can’t.“  

 He stood up.  The look on his face made me want to comfort the shit out of him, but there was no turning back now.  I was angry, and if anyone in this world knows me, they know I stay angry for a very long time.  

 “I can’t do this.  I can’t just decide in a split second.”  He argued, giving me the big eyes, a look of torture on his face.  

 “Well, you’re going to have to make that decision, right now.  It’s me, or her.”  

 Man, I felt like a bitch, but this needed to happen.  I needed to know if it was going to be me.  Leo looked me in the eyes, pleading to not have him do this.  

 I stood my ground.  My eyes narrowed.  I tapped my foot against the wooden floor.  

 “Well?  What’s it going to be?”  I demanded, my voice dripping with venom.  

 He looked at the floor.  When he spoke, his voice was a soft as a whisper, barely audible.  

 “I can’t,”  he murmured, not daring meet my eyes.  

 The tears, that had recently stopped, welled up again, obscuring my vision. 

 “Well,”  I croaked, trying to make sure my voice didn’t crack, “Looks like we’re over before we even began.”


Sorry it's so short.  Oh no! trouble in paradise! Sorry.  Anyways, I have school vacation so updates will be more frequent on both of my stories.  

Read Stuck, written my moi! It's about a time traveler who get's stuck in 2014.  If you get to what I've posted, it sounds really boring, but it's not I swear! 

So give it a look!

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