Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I sit down in Biology, still not fully aware of what the hell just happened.   People file into the room, and I'm not really paying attention to what's going on around me.  That is, until my half-bald teacher walks into the room with a student in tow.  A student that I just had a conversation with in the cafeteria.

 "Class, please welcome our new classmate, Michael.  He's joining us from..."  

He looks at Michael, expecting an answer.  "New York City."  He said, while scanning the classroom with a smile.

"Well, Michael,"  My teacher says, completely uninterested, "you can go sit in any one of those desks back there."

 Michael saunters to the back of the room, his eyes landing on me.  He smiles and walks over with a stride in his step. He has a very thin frame but it's somehow very attractive, him being so tall.  He's wearing simple black jeans and a leather jacket, which looks brand new.  He plops himself down in the chair next to me and looks over with a flicker of a smile on his lips.

 "Looks like we meet again."  He says with a smirk.

 I look over at him and shrug.  "Seems so."

 He just laughs.  "You know, you're very hard to read."  

"Oh I am?"  I ask him sarcastically, but I really want to get off of this subject because those are some memories I really dont want to bring up right then.  

"So, Michael, huh?  You never did tell me your name at lunch."  He winks.  "Short for Michealangelo, but who's got the time to say that?"

 Did he seriously just wink at me?

 "Yeah, okay, Mr. Flirty-in-Bio-but-sincere-at-lunch."

 I think I struck a nerve.  He just looked at me really weird, like I said something that really disturbed him.  At that moment, I thought it would be best to turn back to my Bio.  

"You know,"  He says, startling me out of my note taking, "You never told me your name either."  That's probably something I shouldve mentioned when I met him.


As soon as I said the infernal name that one of my parents had given me, but they refuse to say who, Mike (can I call him Mike?)'s eyebrows furrowed like he couldn't figure something out.  

"What is it?"  I giggled.  He seriously looked like he was pissed off about my name.  "That name sounds like something I've heard of before."

 "Well most names are like that.  There's alot of people in the world with the same name as me."  

"Yeah, sure, but.."  He snaps his fingers.  "Is it Greek?"

 I never really thought about that.  I mean, I odn't think my parents are Greek, but my name does sound it.  Although, I usually just get most people to call me Rena.

 "I guess so, I'm not really sure why my parents named me that way to be honest."  He nods.

 He seems a little cloudy, like a blanket of amnesia just covered his brain.  "Sounds.. familiar."  Then he just turns back to his notes like we weren't talking in the first place.


 I watch him as he works, the way his dark hair falls into his face as he's writing, his brown eyes focused.  I'm not going to lie, he was handsome.  And not the muscly, star-football-player buff type of handsome, but lanky, tall, just flat out attractive.

 Unfortunately, Bio has to end at some point, and I pack up and get in my car to leave  one quick stop at the drug store and I can be at home and on Tumblr.  Unwinding after a day of school by myself is kind of a daily ceremony that i get upset over if it doesn't happen on time.  Sorry, it's my thing.  

Of course, I can't concentrate on my tumblr when the neighbors are making so much noise.  I tear open the blinds to yell at the family next door with the two twin boys that like to run around insane all freaking night long, but instead of the family that lives in the house, there's a moving truck.  

And they weren't moving stuff out, they were moving crap in.  Since when did they move?

 I watched a Toyota Prius pull up the driveway.  A well-dressed woman stepped out in a extravagent black dress and heels, swinging her Louis Vuitton purse as she walked inside. Trailing behind her with what seemed to be all of this lady's luggage that she didn't trust with a moving truck, was a familiar boy in a leather jacket and black jeans.  Michael?  Great, now he's my next door neighbor too.  This couldn't get any better.  I really genuinely hope my sarcasm has been noted.

 However, I'm not going to let this newcomer to the neighborhood ruin my daily routine.  I have a record to keep.  And a tumblr feed to scroll through.  When my parents get home, that's my cue to leave.  Whenever they're home, all they do is fight and it's just flat out annoying at this point.  I just plug on and grab some Nike Pros.  Usually I don't run, but today, I feel like I need it.

 "Honey, where are you going in shorts at 6:30 in the evening?"  My mother asks in a sickly sweet voice that is just too high pitched to be legitament.  "Running."

 "Not in those shorts you're not!"

  "Clarissa, just let her go for a run."  My father pipes up from the living room while watching the 6:30 news.

 "You know what, Paul?  She's my daughter and she will wear what i want her to wear, and not wear what i dont want her to wear!"  Oh god, here we go again.  

I roll my eyes, grab a water bottle, and slip out without them noticing over their yelling.  A nice jog through the neighborhood should do me well, seeing I hardly ever exercise at all.

 "Hey, Rena!"

 I whip around to face the person speaking my name and almost eat the gravel at my feet.  Standing about 50 feet away is Michael, waving at me like he just saw a celebrity.  What is up with this guy? He acts like he's on crack one second and the next second he's a surly teenager.   He jogs over to me in trainers and sweatpants, a loose tanktop on his upper body.  He's not built, but he's definitely not scrawny either.

 "Hey," I say, flashing him a faint smile.  "What's up?"  I ask while continuing to jog.  He keeps a steady pace with me.

"So my mother is refusing to let me drive her car to school tommorow, so I was wondering if I could possibly hitch a ride tommorow morning?"  

As long as you dont break anything in my car, I thought.  "Yeah that's fine I guess. "  I say.

 I kind of really want him to go because im grossly sweaty.  "I've got to go."  I say quickly before turning into my driveway.

"Alright," he says before I'm out of immediate speaking range.  "I see you tommorow morning!"  He calls as I open my front door.  I look back and smile at him and shut the door behind me.  There's something up with that kid, and I'm going to find out what it is.  


I know it really sucks but the whole Percy Jackson thing comes in quite soon so yeahh. Please read, let me know if you think its horrible cuz i genuinely want people to tell me whats i'm doing wrong.  Thanks!

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