Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

We were all breathing heavily, and  apparently Leo thought that he would be able to breathe underwater with Poseidon’s blessing.  

So, guess who was coughing up seawater.  In our bubble, we could talk, seeing it was full of air.  

“Come on. We have to keep moving.”  

Nico whined as Percy pulled us forward.  “Just a sec. I need to get my strength up before we  go any furth-” 

He stopped to look at a brilliant blue light in front of us.    A form shimmered into existence.  When the light finally dimmed and I could see again, a man with black hair and tanned skin stood there, and immediately I knew it was Percy’s dad, Poseidon.  Same eyes, same smile, and there was a trident in his hand, so that was a dead giveaway.  

“Father.”  Percy bowed, and the rest of us followed his example.  

“Hello, Percy.”  He nodded to the others.  “Annabeth, Nico.”  And although he didn’t looked pleased about it, he acknowledged Leo.  “Valdez.”  

I kind of just stood behind Annabeth, not really wanting to be seen.  But since he’s a god, I figure Poseidon was probably just waiting to say hi to me, because he spoke directly to me.  

“Cyrena Masten. I trust your quest is going smoothly?”  I nodded sheepishly. 

Percy smiled at his father, like it had been the first time he’d seen him in a long time.  

“Dad, what are you doing here?”  Percy asked.  Poseidon’s face looked grim.  

“Erebos’s forces have been gathering in Tartarus.”  

Annabeth’s eyebrows scrunched together, making her eyes appear even more calculating than usual.  “Gathering?”  

Poseidon nodded.  “He’s rallying all the monsters that were killed when you put Gaea back into her slumber last year.  They all have a bone to pick with either Olympians or demigods, or both.  It’s only a matter of time before they’re able to chain the Doors of Death back down again.”  

“What can we do to stop it?” Nico asked.  He actually sounded like he cared.  

“Fortunately, and maybe unfortunately, since Erebos is the god of darkness, he can only appear or attack at night.  So if I were you, I would sleep with one eye open.”  

“Excuse me, sir,”  Leo said, actually being polite for a change, “if the Doors are chained down again, would a huge surge of power and and monsters like that stir Gaea or Tartarus or someone?”  

Poseidon nodded grimly.  “That is true.  If the Doors are chained again, Gaea will stir.  And I’m afraid she will fully awaken this time around.”

I had absolutely no clue what any of this meant.  I mean, the Doors of Death didn’t sound very cheery anyway, but even Annabeth looked terrified. If Annabeth was terrified, I figured I should be, too.  

“How can we stop it?”  I asked, waking everyone up from their stunned silence. 

Poseidon shrugged.  “Continue with your quest.  Go to Ogygia.  When you’re there, Leo will know what to do.  Once the link is broken, you be allowed to go on the original Mount Olympus.” 

“You mean, the one in Greece?”  Annabeth asked.  She sounded confused.   

Poseidon nodded.  “That’s where Erebos and his forces are trying to form ranks.  If you cut off the source, meaning the way how they are all getting from Tartarus to the surface world, you can stop him.” 

I took a shaky breath.  I guess there was no way of getting around this.  If one of the most powerful gods was telling me what I needed to do to defeat this guy, I couldn’t back out.  It was my quest.  My prophecy.  I had to fulfill it.

“May we expect any help from the gods?”  Nico asked.  I thought he would get incinerated, but Poseidon smiled feebly.

“You already do.”  He looked at me.  I had no clue what he was talking about, just like I don’t know what anybody’s talking about anymore. 

“What? Sir, the only god I’ve met so far is you.  I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 

He winked at me.  “When the time comes, you will.  I will leave you to continue.  Goodbye, Percy.” 

“Bye Dad.”  And with that, the sea god disappeared in the same blue light in which he had come. 

We stood there in silence, too stunned by the news we had just received.  We had to go to Calypso’s island to get something that would help us defeat a god, who already had a force the size of an army at his side.  Did I mention the world would end if we didn’t succeed? 

“Okay.  We have to keep moving.  Let’s finish this.  I’m so freaking sick of prophecies and world ending shit.”  Nico grumbled. 

I never heard him swear before, partly because he just seemed like the type that wouldn’t. I don’t know why it surprised me so much. 

Nico grabbed our hands, and I was worried that this time, he wouldn’t be strong enough to do another jump.  He did one only a couple of minutes ago.  I don’t care how powerful you are, that could drain you in a heartbeat.  Especially with four other people being dragged along with you.

“Nico, are you sure you have enough strength to-”  

“I’m fine.”  Nico snapped, rendering me silent.

When he saw the look on my face, his eyes softened, but he looked straight ahead. His cheeks started heating up.  He looked down and realized he was holding hands with both Annabeth and Percy.  I wonder if someone likes Annabeth, and that’s the reason he’s always so snippy to Percy. 

When we made the uncomfortable journey yet again, I could tell something was wrong immediately.  We were moving slowly through the shadow world, instead of quickly like we had before.  When we stopped spinning and shaking, Nico was on the ground, completely passed out. 

Percy looked at him in panic.  I backed away, not knowing what was going on.  Then the strangest thing happened.  Right above Percy’s head, Eros was standing there, creepily smiling at me.  I squinted, trying to figure out if I was seeing correctly. 

He began to laugh, and suddenly, everything faded.


I'm really sorry I haven't been updating as often. Please everyone let me know how you like the story, I wanna know what you guys think!

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Memories (Percy Jackson)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora