Chapter 6 Part 1

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Chapter 6 

It was hard to believe that this pair was brother and sister.  I mean, their dads had the same name and I’m guessing the same person, so it isn’t far fetched.  I held on to Jason for dear life as we ran past doorway and doorway, each with a new surprise behind it. 

I looked over his shoulder, and immediately regretted it.  There were at least 20 creepy crawlies behind us, and they were gaining. 

“Jason,”  I croaked.  He looked behind him in cursed in a different language. 

“Thalia,”  He called. 

Thalia looked over her shoulder and just looked at him and said, “We have to run faster.” 

The weird seal things I had seen earlier were leading the pack, and they didn’t look happy.  They looked like a mix between a dog and a seal, shuffling forward on its’ stubby legs, but fast nonetheless.  They snarled like dogs, and they were 15 yards behind us. 

I could tell Jason was getting tired, having to carry me on top of his own body weight.  He looked exhausted.  To make matters only worse, the doors in front of us all opened, and even more monsters flooded out. We were completely surrounded.  We stopped. 

We had nowhere to go, we couldn’t go back, or forward. Jason set me down and defended me from the front. He held off the seal creatures with a gold coin.  Yes, a gold coin.  He flipped it like he was playing for heads and tails, and as soon as he did, it turned into a full on golden spear.  He was impaling monsters left and right, slicing them into dust. 

Thalia was fighting her own battle, scaring them off with her gruesome shield.  The enemies cowered in fear of it.  Before I could flinch, I felt something scrape across my back, and I screamed at the top of my lungs.  Thalia heard me and kicked a black mastiff the size of a truck in the nose, pulling it away from me.  She slashed at it, melting it into a puddle of shadow. 

Then things went from bad, to worse.  A snake woman managed a hit to Jason, slicing his leg.  He cried out in pain, falling to the ground.  Like me, he tried to get back up with no prevail.  Anger surged through my veins. This can’t happen. 

People are not going to die in front of my eyes.  Thalia was surrounded, too many to fight off in the narrow hallway.  Monsters were surrounding me too, to the point of where I couldn’t even see Thalia and Jason anymore. 

I felt my heart pumping at a million miles an hour, and I just felt like I needed to explode. 

So what do I do when I feel like I’m about to explode?  I yell. And that’s exactly what I did. 

I just shut my eyes and screamed and screamed, until I had no more power left in me.  It was really quiet.  Oh my God, am I dead?  There’s no way it could be that quiet with me still alive. 

I slowly opened my eyes, and blinked.  I was still in the hallway, but it was completely empty, no demons anywhere to be seen. 

Thalia and Jason were staring at me, bewildered looks on their faces.  “Wha-How did you..”  Were the stuttering words that came out of their mouths. 

“What just happened?”  I asked.  Surely I couldn’t have been the one who did that-I just assumed that Thalia or Jason kind of just.. killed them all. 

“They all just kind of... sunk into the ground like they were drowning in it or something.” 

Then that scratch on my back really started to kill. The pain in my legs intensified, becoming unbearable.   White spots danced in my vision, Thalia and Jason were saying “Hey, you okay?”  then everything faded out.


Okay, so I thought this was too short to be a chapter on it's own, but I couldn't just continue writing a chapter when a part of it ended in unconsiousness I guess.  

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