17 . Captors and Captivators.

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Captors and Captivators

Ionora's POV:

I had stayed in many cells in the 18 years of my existence, albeit I had escaped within a few days but every minute in those cells felt like a lifetime. Most pack cells were plain gross and smelled of dried and sometimes fresh blood,vomit,sweat,urine and rotting flesh. But all those cells put together would seem like paradise compared to the one I was currently thrown in. It looked like one of those war torture cells in the dungeons of the cruelest of kings and it smelled even worse. The walls and floor were damp with blood and god knows what and I was sure that no matter how many times I try to wash the grime off me, it wouldn't go away. That is if I ever manage to get out and take a bath.

A few months ago if you told me that my own mate would throw me in a rotten cell, I would've had one of those epic 'spit on your face and laugh' moments but sadly life seemed to pick me as its next victim and here I am, praying that my mate wasn't cruel enough to paint these walls with my blood.

You must be wondering why I didn't run away before I was captured. Let me tell you then that I did try to run, abandoning my newly acquired family as they weren't the ones with a bounty on their heads. But me being me, I just had to trip on my own damn feet and fall into a muddy pit from where I was eventually saved by my mate only to be thrown on his back like a sack of potatoes, despite my trashing and taken to the dungeons where I lie now.

The fact that my mate hated me so much that he separated me from my family and put me in the dungeons far away from the pack cells where he put the others didn't help one bit. Looking around for an escape route I find nothing. There was not even a small hole in the wall judging by the darkness of the place. The door was locked with a double lock which could be opened only on the outside. So to sum it all up, I was fucked.

Just as I had begun to write my own eulogy in my head, the most wonderful scent hit me. It smelt like a hint of cherry, forest , rainwater and a bit of asshole. Scratch that, it smelled completely like an asshole.

As I hear him open both the locks, I turned my back towards him. I couldn't face him yet, not when every inch of my body was itching to jump his bones. Yes, sexual frustration does that to you.

"Thought you could escape, huh?" he mocked, taking a step inside the cell. His voice did two things to me, one, it made me purr inwardly and two, it made me imagine his hot body on top of mine. Nora, this is not good. He is your captor for god's sake.

He is also your mate. Liane piped in.
Unfortunately... She added sensing my glare.

"I did escape, for 3 whole days. Took you some time to find me, huh? " I mocked back. Apparently it was not the smartest thing to do, judging by the intense glare I felt on my back.

"I wouldn't talk back if I were you. Wouldn't want your precious blood to taint these walls, would we? " He whispered, coming closer to me. I could feel his hot breath fanning my neck and my only thought was 'I wish I don't stink '. Definitely a symptom of Stockholm syndrome.

"I'm sure you didn't bring me here only to finish me off. There must have been some ulterior motive, something involving my parents. " I retorted in an accusatory tone.

"Smart, aren't we? I'm sure that you would've heard all there is about your lowlife parents by now. So how does it feel, being the product of such worthless pieces of shit?"

If he had said that a few days ago, I would have punched the shit out of him (or at least tried to). But knowing my true parentage and the deeds of my so-called parents, I didn't feel a thing.

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