44 . Pieces and negotiations

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I know I did an oopsie by being very inconsistent and late with the uploads but please find it in you to forgive me. >.<

As an apology here is a double update ( which I have NEVER EVER done before). Happy reading!

Ionora's POV :           

Everyone in the room stare in shock at the stone and then at Denzel who had brought the stone with him. Nobody makes a move to help Denzel who was struggling in Zayden's grip. We all wanted answers. All except the man in question and my aunt, who did not look shocked but concerned for her friend.

"Zayden, let him explain." Marrise tells my mate calmly. He gives her a hard look full of Alpha power and I'm surprised when she doesn't back down.

"You do not scare me, boy. I could remove you myself but I'm not doing so out of respect for my niece." She glares back at him. I decide to intervene before this escalates any further.

"Maybe she's right, Zayden. We should let him explain. Maybe this could help us." I step towards him and pull his arm. He tenses at first and then he relaxes and finally lets Daniel go.

"You have two minutes to explain before you're down under." He breathes out, still angry.

Denzel nods and then walks towards the stone. He picks it up, walks to me and extends his hand with the stone. I take it without hesitation. As soon as the stone touches my skin, I feel a strange sensation creeping into my body. The stone glows brighter and brighter and the sensation I feel grows until I am surrounded by white light. And then it's gone just as it came. The room dims down to normal and the stone turns into an ordinary looking stone.

But I feel powerful, different. A good different and apparently everyone else in the room sees the change as they all take a step back. Everyone except Zayden, Marrise and Denzell.

"Woah sis, you were just glowing like a damn glow stick." Ian exclaims in awe.

"A glow stick on crack, more like. You looked possessed." Jarred corrects, earning a smack on the head from Vivian.

"That was Ionora absorbing the powers of the moonstone. If anyone else touched that stone, they might've felt the power but never absorbed it since their bodies were not made to withstand such power. No one but you can access these powers directly from the stone, Ionora, which is why Jordan needs you." Denzel intervenes.

"That filthy lowlife bastard. I'm going to kill him with my bare hands if he lays even a single finger on her." Zayden growls out, sounding vicious.

Viciously hot. Liane tells me in my head. I push her back in. This was not the time or place for hormonal thinking.

"Yeah okay Big shot Alpha dude. I heard that the last time you tried, you were blasted off into a wall." Ian chides him in a condescending tone. Zayden clenches his fist and I decide to divert their attention before one of them would end up in a bloody pulp. *cough cough* Ian.

"Denzel, how did you get the stone? Isn't Jordan in possession of the stone?" I question, curious about how the stone came into his possession.

"That's what he likes everyone to think. The reality is that he possesses only a part of the actual moonstone of Dawnblood pack. The stone was taken from him during a war he waged with a coven of vampires and then sold in the black market. Before he could retrieve it, the stone was broken into three equal halves and then sold to three different people. Over the years, Jordan managed to track down and retrieve one of the pieces after killing the owner. The second stone is still nowhere to be found and the third stone was brought by an Alpha of a pack in Alaska where I was seeking refuge at. When he learned of the dangers of possessing the stone, he gave it to me to dispose it off before Jordan tracks his pack down. I took it straight to your aunt who suggested that I bring it here to you." He finishes his story and waits for us to react.

Zayden looks at me as if to ascertain if he was telling the truth and I nod.

"So you're telling us that Jordan actually only has a piece of the stone? What edge does that give us over him?" I ask, wanting to know how this information would help us.

"The playing field is pretty even right now. We have the power of one part of the stone and he has another. Only one other part is left right now and we have to get it and destroy it before he could get his hands on it."

"Why would we destroy the stone? Can't she just absorb the powers like she did just now? That would make her more powerful. She could help destroy Jordan once and for all. "Jarred puts it his two cents.

"She could, yes. But if Jordan does manage to capture her then he would have the power of all three stones at his disposal. Once she absorbs the third stone, he would kill her and access its powers. It is safer to find and destroy the third stone. This way, the legacy would be broken. He can't access the powers of the moonstone without all the three parts." Denzel explains.

"But where do we find this stone? I'm sure Jordan already had a head start and if I know anything about him, it is sure that he is already in hot pursuit of the stone." My mom speaks up for the first time after the whole grandfather incident. The king, her father gives a grimace at the mention of 'him'. I guess that's one thing grandpa dearest and I could bond over. Our mutual hatred for Jordan.

"The stone's location has been one of the greatest mysteries in our world. I have been trying to track down the owner of the stone for years now and I have managed to find the details of the owner but not their current location. The stone was bought by a man named Gyros who then sold it to a witch. The witch in turn gave it as a present to an Alpha in return for sanctuary and protection in his pack. The transaction was solidified in a deed which was in Latin. I managed to get my hands on the deed and the name of the Alpha mentioned in the deed was a 'Norten Tyler. But no known Alphas have been recorded with that name. "

"But don't witches sign the deed only when the facts recorded are absolutely correct?" Vivian enquired.

"Yes, you are right, young witch, which is why I am led to believe that the name has been tampered with so as to protect the Alpha's identity. I did play around with the letters of the name and that led me to an interesting discovery. The letters rearranged would spell 'Trenton Lyre'. "Daniel finishes and lets us absorb everything he told us.

"That Son of a Gun!" Zayden cusses. He is the first to react.

"Zayden do you know him?" I ask. I already knew the answer and the name ringed a bell.

"He is the Alpha of the neighboring RedTribe pack. He is one of the Alphas who wanted to use you as bait to capture the Zendales." Zayden finishes, looking away with guilt.

"I wonder who was the one who told them about you in the first place." Ian glares at Zayden.

"Look here you puny-"

"Wait. Isn't RedTribe the pack where the Blood Moon ritual is being held?" I cut off their banter. We did not have time for that right now.

At once the room is filled with a lot of tension as the realization dawns upon us. If the witches are there already and are holding the ritual, then Jordan would've already guessed the whereabouts of the third stone.

"We need to get there before he does and destroy the stone." Denzel urges, looking very worried. Jordan was a witch, a powerful one at that and he could get the stone in a snap if he wanted to.

"I think I have a better idea." I smirk, meeting Zayden's eyes. "We should make the stone come to us."

Zayden looks confused for a second after which he gives me a full blown grin and takes his phone out. Everyone else in the room looks on, confused at our antics.

"Hello Alpha Trenton. It's Alpha Zayden from DawnBlood pack here. I was wondering if you were interested in a fair trade of sorts. A stone for bait? "


Please do comment and vote if you liked it. Hope you guys have a nice day!

-Pk <3

Edited - 15/01/2019

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