25. Pretend mothers and bad fathers

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Pretend mothers and bad fathers

Ionora's Pov :

"Well, well, well. Looks like we missed the mother daughter reunion then. Too bad. Maybe next time."
The woman I thought of as my mother all these years sneered, pretending to wipe a tear.

I growled, ready to show the bitch just what this 'daughter' could do. But the soft, reassuring hand on my arm stopped me.

The rattling of chains behind me told me that my stupid mate was still struggling with bring tied up. He's mine to kill baby. So just sit tight and watch.

Isn't this what he wanted anyways? To offer me as bait? Except, the only bait I see here are two witches who were high on magic when they decided to fight a werewolf. Why you ask? It was common knowledge that the bite of a werewolf rendered the witch powerless. Just thinking of that made Liane restless restless for a bite.

My father, *cough*, sperm-donor, hadn't spoken a word since he made his dramatic entry. He just regarded me with eyes void of any emotion. It wasn't like he was looking at something made of a part of him, I thought sarcastically. Then I shivered in disgust. Ew. If only I could change my DNA. I didn't want any part of him.

"Psst. Psst."
Came in that annoying voice. Annoyingly sexy voice. How on earth could someone sound sexy while whispering? And while tied up?

Trying my best to be stealthy, I throw him the bottle of potion hoping that I aimed it right. Judging by the 'ouch' that followed, I would say I did a pretty good job. Focusing back on the devils, I smirk.

"No hug for me, daddy?" I ask in a baby voice, hoping to annoy him. And it did as I notice his eyes twitch.

"Don't call him that, you bastard child." Stella, my father's mate, bit out. Looks like I hit two witches with one word.

"But why not? Come on. Don't be so possessive. It's not attractive at all." I tell her, blinking innocently.

"You bitc- "

"-calm down, Stella. " Jordan says, pulling his mate into his arms. "Nora, baby, we missed you. We are here to take you back with us. " He says softly, giving me a smile as fake as his wife's boobs. Missed me, my ass. More like missed the powers I could give him. Besides, I was never really with him to be missed.

"I think I'm good right here. Now, what's this I hear about a moonstone?" I ask, crossing my arms.

"Who told you about that?" He inquired, almost about to explode in anger.

"That doesn't matter. What matters is the fact that you were so desperate for powers that you kidnapped and raped a woman, and were willing to kill your child? " I bursted out in rage. Then I pointed to his wife. "And you! How could you let that happen to another woman? Especially when it was your own mate doing it? You both make me sick. " I spat.

Not even a second had passed after my words when I was pinned down by an angry female wolf which probably was the woman from earlier, who bought me here. She kept snarling at me, trying to claw my face out but I was fortunately able to block her paws. Liane fought for control and I gladly gave it to her, shifting into my pure white wolf. Liane growled when she managed to scratch her snout and within seconds, the other she-wolf was unconscious on the ground. Sensing her intentions, I quickly regain control before she ended up killing everyone in the room, except my mother of course.

And Ryder, I wouldn't kill mate.

Of course you wouldn't.
I say to her, rolling my eyes.

"That was very impressive, Ionora. I can tell that you haven't gotten to your true potential yet. You are a Lucan with witch blood in you. Imagine all the power you could have. And I would gladly help you reach your true form." Jordan coaxed, urging me to join him.

With a snort, I change back to my human flat-chested self. Unlike other wolves, I always had my clothes intact after shifting. Now, I know for a fact that it was my witch blood that helped.

"Reach my full potential only to have you kill me? I think I'll pass." I sneer. Just how naive did this man think I was?

"I wouldn't do that. You're my daughter." I let out a bitter laugh at that.

"Says the man who kidnapped someone else's daughter and impregnated her by force. Not to mention the hundreds of witches and werewolves you've killed. The only time and place I would join you is on your funeral."

Immediately, Jordan's eyes began glowing red. Like literally. I watch in shock as balls of fire begin appearing in the palms of his hands. " This is the last time I'm asking you nicely, Ionora. Come with me willingly or I will forcibly take you." He said in a sinister voice, smirking evilly. The realization that this man was completely the opposite of the father I thought I had hit me hard, but I forced the hurt down. This wasn't the time to go Boohoo over my daddy issues.

"You wouldn't dare hurt a single hair on her, you f*cker." Came an angry voice from behind. Zayden walked over and stood in front of me protectively while I stood in front of my mother. So he finally came to his senses, did he? Or was this his wolf speaking?

A booming laugh cut me off. "You? What can a mere werewolf like you do to stop me?" And before anyone could blink, a blinding light shot out from Jordan's hands and Zayden was knocked out on the other side of the room.

Red hot rage filled me at the thought of my mate being hurt. He may be a fucking idiot, but he was still mine.

Within seconds, I had pinned my father to the wall while managing to keep his rabid wolf of a wife off me. Before I could even think of how I managed to do that, another blinding light filled the room. Jordan's eyes showed fear while he stared at me amazed. Then I passed out, with the realization that the light was coming from me.

------------ p.s - I imagine Jordan as Sirius Black from Harry Potter. I love Sirius but I feel like he fits the role really well. Any other suggestions?
And who do you imagine Stella as?

A/N :

I wanted to introduce a few new characters and decided to name them after you guys. So I would be choosing two people who have taken the time to comment and tell me they like this book so far and their names would be used in the coming chapters.

Please do comment and vote if you like it.

Lots of love!

- Krshna

Edited - 14/01/2019

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