Ch.20: You Doubted Me?

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Legolas's pov

I slowly fall in and out of sleep. Ada had left to fetch me some food now that I was awake. While I was dozing, I hear a knock on the door. It couldn't be Ada, he would just come in. It had to be someone coming to visit.

"Come in." I croak. The door slowly opens and someone walks in. I crane my neck to see who it is. I smile widely. "Glynn!" I exclaim. She stares at me for a second and then grins and rushes over to kneel beside my bed. She clutches my hand.

"Legolas!" She breathes. "You're awake!" I smile again, trying my best to ignore the throbbing in my chest.

"Yes." I say, stroking her hand. Her gaze fixes itself intently on me.

"I thought I would never see you again." She murmurs.

"You can't kill me that easily, Glynn." I tease. A glint of amusement flashes in her eyes.

"I shouldn't have doubted you." She remarks. I grin at her.

"You doubted me?" I ask. She stares at the bedspread sheepishly and shrugs.

"Well I...." She stammers. She takes a deep breath. "You just looked so terrible, and I was worried..." I rub her hand with my thumb.

"I'm fine now, Glynn." I tell her, feeling guilty when I feel my chest flare slightly. We sit there, hand in hand for a few minutes before she breaks the silence.

"Thank you." She gasps, wrapping her arms around me, holding me close. I am very surprised by her action, but quickly hide it by hugging her back.

"I couldn't let you die." I whisper in her ear. She draws back.

"But it should've been me who got shot, not you!" She protests. I am about to tell her otherwise when the door opens and Ada walks in. Glynn quickly lets go of my hand and stands up and bows to him.

"My lord," She greets. He nods and walks over to me, with a tray of food, and then he sets it on my lap.

"Here you go, ion nin." He murmurs. I smile at him.

"Thank you Ada." I reach out to grab a piece of bread, when pain shoots through my chest. I grunt in surprise. Glynn and Ada both take a step towards me at the same time.

"What's wrong?" They both ask, simultaneously. They exchange glances before both turning back to me.

"Nothing." I groan. My father takes another step towards me.

"It can't be nothing, ion nin." He says. "Tell me what's wrong." Glynn studies me closely.

"You're still hurt, aren't you?" She asks softly. I nod and draw my arms to my chest, not wanting to strain it any more. I hear more footsteps in the doorway. Thallan walks in the door. He looks at all of us in surprise.

"My king, Legolas, Glynn." He greets. "It is good to see you well Legolas." He says with a smile. I nod and then he turns to Glynn. "Glynn, you are needed for your new position." She nods.

"One moment Thallan." She tells him. She gazes at me. "Goodbye for now Legolas, I shall visit later." I smile at her before her and Thallan walk out the door.

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