Ch.28: Nothing is for Certain

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Legolas's pov

Everything feels like a dream as soon as I hit the ground. My head throbs, my hearing turns into a dull shriek, and my sight goes fuzzy.

"Legolas?" Glynn asks, kneeling down next to me. Her voice sounds far off and slow. All I can do is respond with an ill attempted moan. Thranduil's disappointed gaze falls upon me. His face swirls around as I stare at him.

"Ada..." I groan. Glynn grabs my hand.

"Legolas, we're getting you inside." She whispers soothingly. My father's gaze breaks away as he walks off to walk to Laeroth. I feel my eyes start to close. Glynn shakes me.

"Legolas, no! Stay with me!" She shouts. But I can't. My body slowly drifts in and out of reality, until I finally get swept away into darkness.


"You disobeyed me!" My father hisses in my face. I narrow my eyebrows and roll my eyes.

"Yeah, but at least I protected my home and was willing to risk my life for my people, unlike you, who just stayed inside, doing nothing!" I yell. His turquoise eyes grow darker and full of fury.

"How dare you say that!" He roars. "I have fought more battles for this kingdom than you could even think of!" His voice echoes out the open window of my bedroom, startling some birds out of the trees they were once perched on.

I lower my tone. "That might be true Ada, but it does not matter what you did on the past, but what you do in the present." His gaze breaks from mine, and I feel a surge of victory go through me.

"You will make a better king then I am, ion nin." He whispers sadly. I have no response for his comment. I do not know what the future may bring, and I do not know of his past. It could be true, that I will be a better leader, but nothing is for certain. But I can not help but feel bad for my father as he stares out my window, a grim expression plastered on his face.

"You are a good king Ada..." I say, placing my hand on his shoulder. "But you have your moments. Everyone does. Like yesterday, you did not fight but you should have." He lowers his head.

"It does not matter what I did in the past, but I what I do in the present." He murmurs, smiling slightly. I nod.

"Or what you do in the future." I add. His smile widens, and he places both of his hands on my shoulders.

 "And I will try to be better in the future."

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