Ch.31: Come With Me

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Legolas's pov

I quickly rush down the hallway, towards the dungeon. My heart pounds with anticipation as I draw nearer to Glynn. Did I really want to leave everything behind just for her? Would she come with me? What if she doesn't? I slow my pace slightly, pondering the different outcomes and circumstances. I walk into the dungeon. From down the row of cells I can see Glynn lift her head up and her gaze meet mine. She raises a somewhat frustrated eyebrow. When I am a few paces away, she puts a hand on her hip.

"Legolas, what are you doing here?" She hisses. I sigh and fidget with my hands nervously.

"I've come to ask you something." I stammer.

"Oh?" She demands. "And I suppose your going to talk to Gollum again too?" As soon as his name is mentioned, a small moan is heard from inside the cell. I reach forward and grabs Glynn's hand and walk her a few feet away so I don't disturb Gollum. She stares at me, somewhat angry and somewhat confused. Noticing the fact, I drop her hand.

"First let me say that I'm sorry for disturbing you and Gollum earlier." I tell her. She frowns slightly and nods.

"Thank you, it is much appreciated." She seems to relax at her words.

"And secondly," I pause slightly, not knowing exactly how to word what I am feeling. "I love you Glynn," I blurt out. She stares at me, her beautiful green eyes scanning every inch of my face. Without hesitation she wraps her arms around my neck and slams her lips into mine. Her strong arms pull me closer. I close my eyes and breathe her in. A moment later she pulls neck from the kiss, but she keeps her arms wrapped securely around my neck. I feel heat rise to me face. My heart pounds and my mind tries to comprehend what just happened. It was amazing, that's for sure.

"I love you too Legolas." She whispers. I cannot help but grin at her words. I lean close to her ear.

"Come with me. Run away with me, we can be together forever and not worry about anyone telling us what we can and cannot do." I murmur huskily into her ear. She smiles sadly at me.

"You have no idea how much I want to leave with you," She says. I brace myself for rejections. "But not all of my heart belongs to you, some of it stays here in Mirkwood. Not to mention I have sworn to protect your father." I feel my eyes mist up.

"Oh, Legolas!" She exclaims, burying her face in my chest. "I'm sorry! Please don't be offended! I'm not rejecting you! It's just.... I can't leave."

"No, you're right Glynn." I respond. "It was stupid of me to think that you would leave,"

"No Legolas, no-" I cut her off as I turn away.

"No, it's okay Glynn, I understand. My Ada was right, it will never work."

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