thirty four

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It's been decided that Tyler would celebrate his birthday with his brother and his two friends on Friday, and that Brendon and Josh could show up whenever and spend the night if they want.

Friday afternoon's finally upon them, and Josh walks home with Tyler after they exit the carpool that freed them from hell.  Tyler greets his older brother before leading Josh into his room, closing the door behind him so Ruby doesn't run out (not that she would've gotten a chance to, since Josh was in her face the second he saw her curled up on the desk chair).

"Did Brendon ever tell you when he was coming?" Josh asks as Tyler moves to lay on his bed, shaking his head.

"Said he wanted to surprise me," Tyler answers as Ruby moves away from Josh to curl up next to Tyler, resting her paws on the boy's arm.

"I heard that cats putting their feet on their owners means that they love them," Josh smiles as he sits on the chair, rolling it closer to the edge of the bed.  Tyler smiles too and stroke's the feline's fur lovingly, said feline closing her eyes contently as she purrs, leaning into his touch.

"That's so sweet," Tyler responds to Josh's previous statement.  The older of the two reaches out to pet her too, but Ruby quickly glances back at Josh upon feeling a second hand before she leaps off the bed, leaving the teens to laugh at what just happened.

"You ruined our moment," Tyler jokes, a first for him when it comes to Josh, but neither seem to mind as they continue to giggle.

"I was just— "

"The party don't start 'til I walk in!" Brendon sings as the door is swung open, and he shakes his hips in a little dance as he enters the room, oblivious to the small animal by his feet.  Tyler and Josh try to warn him, but they don't speak fast enough, because Ruby emits a pitiful kitty cry as Brendon steps on her tail.

"Oh my God!" Brendon cries out upon realizing what he's done, dropping to his knees in front of Ruby, "I'm so sorry! Beautiful baby, I'm a monster! Please don't hate me!"

"It's alright, I don't hate you," Ruby doesn't say, because she's a cat, and she's dashing through (the snow) the door that Brendon had left open, much to Tyler's misfortune.  Brendon crawls over to his shocked friends with a dramatic sigh, hugging Josh's calves as he throws his head onto Josh's lap.

"I've done the unforgivable!"

Josh shoots Tyler a look, wordlessly expressing his distaste for his current position, but all Tyler can do is offer an apologetic smile as their weird friend continues to fake cry on Josh's legs.

"So, uh..." Josh trails off awkwardly once Brendon's antics have gone on for far too long.  Brendon gets the hint and releases his friend to launch himself at his other friend instead, earning a startled yelp from said friend.

"Happy late birthday, Tyler!" Brendon chirps, not moving or releasing his grip on Tyler—but Tyler's an affection leech, so he definitely doesn't mind.

"Thanks," Tyler smiles, patting his friend's back as Brendon allows himself to get comfortable on top of the smaller boy.

"What are we doing today?" Brendon asks against Tyler's chest, the youngest shrugging in response.

"I'm not a very good, uh, party planner," comes Tyler's sheepish response, "Whatever you guys want."

"I'm good doing whatever," Josh smiles to his friends as he begins to spin around in the rolling chair.  Tyler has to look away or he'll get nauseous just watching.

"Can I look around?" Brendon asks, earning a nod, and the weight is lifted from Tyler's person as Brendon begins to explore his semi messy room (which is in the state it is thanks to Ruby's own explorations).

The older eventually opens the closet door, eyes lighting up as he reaches towards the top, retrieving Scrabble and the Game of Life.

"Guys, we should play these," Brendon suggests.  Tyler's never heard of playing board games as a party event, but he loves these games, and Josh seems to be on board (lmao) as well.


thanks you guys! <3

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