seventy four

986 34 13

thank you to Viola_Cola0503 for suggesting an idea for the story :^) ive used the idea for this chapter and will continue into the next.
also im so sorry i took so long <3 thank you for being patient if you're still here with me <3
also if the chapter looks weird its bc wattpad wouldnt let me paste on my computer so i had to do it on my phone lmao and when i do that it doesnt keep the italics and im too pissed to do any more corrections rip


The rest of the school day went by quickly; their last class of the day had a sub that just put on a movie and went to sleep, and it's the job Tyler could only ever dream of having.

Despite not going home with the boy, Josh walks with Tyler as he's on his way to the courtyard to meet up with Brendon.  Tyler greatly appreciates it; he's found that the crowded halls are a bit more bearable while in the company of someone he trusts.

They find the oldest waiting near the exit to the courtyard, and Josh gives the youngest a parting hug, whispering a promise to talk later tonight before leaving for the bus lane.

"I begged Marie to take us to Wendy's for a frosty," Brendon informs excitedly as he pushes the glass door open, holding it open for Tyler after first letting himself out.

"Haven't had one in awhile," is all Tyler says as they start walking to the general area where Marie should be parked. 

Or at least he thought they were, because Brendon stops them both at the flagpole.  Tyler glances up to find Pete leaning against the metal, Ashley—probably, they don't really talk at all—right by his side and offering Tyler a smile.  He awkwardly returns it before something past her shoulder catches his eye.  You know when you just happen to randomly avert your gaze and end up making immediate eye contact with someone?  This is exactly what happened here, and Tyler's overwhelmed with dread as he mindlessly yanks himself free of his friend's hold to turn on his heel, heading to where he hopes Marie's car is.

Somehow, he didn't even expect Zack to come to his school, but there he is, leaning against his car, and Tyler hopes to God that the older man doesn't call him over or follow him, or that Brendon doesn't see him.

"Tyler? What's wrong?" Brendon immediately drops his conversation with Pete, slightly alarmed by his friend's antics.

"I-I don't feel well," Tyler lies quickly, but it's believable enough for Brendon to excuse himself from the group to lead him to Marie's car, which would've made him feel guilty under different circumstances.

"Why not?"

"Headache," the younger expands, the older awing sympathetically as they finally approach the car. 

"Hey," Marie greets the two as they get in their seats from last time, "Still getting Wendy's?"

"Yeah, just frosties," Brendon says, opening the glove compartment and retrieving a bottle of pills, "I'm getting these for Tyler."

"Why, what's wrong, love?"

"Headache," Tyler answers again as Brendon holds out a couple pills for him to take.  Tyler takes them and slips them into his pocket—clearly, he doesn't need them.

"Awe, I'm sorry," Marie sympathizes as the car finally starts moving, hopefully putting distance between him and his brother.

The oldest turns on the radio and no one says anything during the entire ride to Wendy's, and Tyler's more at ease the further away they get from the school.

It doesn't take long before Marie pulls into the drive thru of Wendy's, and Marie turns the radio down a bit to speak with the worker through the speaker thingy, whatever the fuck it is.

"Can I get three small frosties—"


"Shut up, Brendon!" Marie scolds in a shushed tone, "You paying for something bigger?"

"No, but I love you!"

She sighs before asking for a small and two mediums instead, and the youngest manages to smile a little as Brendon cheers triumphantly; it reminds him of the friendly banter he has with Zack when the older man isn't being a piece of shit.

When Marie eventually receives the frosties, she passes them to Brendon and asks him to give one to Tyler.  The older boy turns in his seat to do as told, but he pauses to gawk out of the back window.

"Daddy Zacky's back in town!"

"Huh??" Tyler squeaks as he whips around himself, stomach dropping as he catches sight of the driver of the car in line behind them.

He's really fucking following them—he's gonna make Tyler come home and he's not ready to come home yet—


"Tyler's brother! He's in line behind us."

Zack meets Tyler's eyes and the younger boy turns forward again and completely slumps down in his seat, hoping he's out of his brother's sight—pointlessly, knowing that Zack clearly knows that Tyler's in the car, otherwise he wouldn't have been following them like a fucking stalker. 

"Everything okay, Noodles?"

"Yeah, just, just not feeling well," he lies and Marie falls for it, humming sympathetically.

"Well, let's hurry up and get to the house," Marie says as she starts driving away from the restaurant.

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