3| Oh, Stop

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Mariah's POV


"Jess, don't start."

"Mariah..." She continued. "You do realize what just happened right?" Jess was smiling bright with the crazy look in her eye. I didn't like that look on her so I only shook my head. "Scorpio just made you his girl."

Cue the choking of the milkshake. "What? You're crazy. Now you just sound like a lunatic." I rolled my eyes at her silly comment.

Jess widened her eyes at me and grabbed my hand. "I'm not crazy. He just spoke to you. In public." Okay, and so? "Not only that but he called you sexy. In public. And he wiped your milkshake off your chin. And then proceeded to suck it off. In PUBLIC."

"Oh my gosh. What's the big deal with the public?"

Honestly, this girl confuses me sometimes. "You know Scorpio. He doesn't hang out with anyone except for his girlfriend."

"And another thing! He's got a girlfriend. Therefore he cannot make me his girl." Triumphantly, I sat back in my chair, finishing off my milkshake.

"They broke up, you dumb b***h! You just landed Scorpio Hall!"

No, no, no, no, no. That can't be. Nope. Not happening. I wouldn't want to be his girlfriend. I mean, maybe last year but now... not so much. Gosh, this isn't good. "Let's just go pay and go to school." We both stood at the same time, paid at the cash register and Jess wouldn't shut up about how my life would be good even though she was leaving. "Shut up."

"You love me." That I do.

We walked into the lecture theatre to find it empty. All except for one person. "Hey, beautiful." I let out a tiny squeak as I sat far away from Scorpio. No way am I getting near him after Milky Lane. "Come on. Why are you so far from me? I promise I don't bite." Really? "Hard." Oh, gosh. "When I'm not turned on." With a smile, he finished his not so convincing statement. I'm not getting anywhere near this beautiful bad boy now. "Please." He pouted his lips, giving me puppy dog eyes. As if that will work on me.

"Hey, Scorpio!" Jess interrupted his coaxing. Thank you for best friends. "I heard you were 24."

He looked at her with a dead expression. "Yeah."

"If you're 24, why are you in the 2nd Year Class of Psychology. Did you fail more than once or were you held back just a few years in high school?" She smirked. She shouldn't have felt so triumphant because what Scorpio said next even surprised me.

"For your information, I graduated 2 years ago with my Law degree. I started psychology because I like knowing how the mind works— What makes you tick," He looked at me. "What makes you uncomfortable." Jess. "How responsive you are..." Dark eyes drifted to me again. "You're very responsive."

Shrinking in my seat, I pulled on a braid and started playing with it. My phone buzzed in my book bag so I took it out. It was an iMessage from Jess.

What the f***! You are drinking up all his attention, aren't you?

No, I am not! He just won't quit talking to me.

Sure, okay. Like you're not enjoying it.

I'm not. Here's a trampoline, since you like jumping to conclusions so much.

"You wanna find out how I know?"

I jumped in my seat, startled by the deep voice in my ear. My phone slipped out of my hands and I mentally screamed in the fear of the crack of the screen. But I didn't hear anything. Because Scorpio freaking caught the phone before it landed on the ground. "Nice reflexes." My tone was timid.

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