12| Oh, Mine•

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You're mine, oh, mine. I just wanna say you're mine, oh, mine. F* what they say, you're mine, you're mine. All I'm really asking for, is you...

-Mine, Beyoncé

Mariah's POV

My girl talk with Jessica—and Jared— lifted my spirits up and drove me away from the dark place in my mind for a while. I fell asleep right after the long conversation, drifting into a world where my relationship with Scorpio was real and Jessy was still in America. What a world. A world I wished was real.

The next morning was particularly fast. I chatted a bit with Katalina in the showers, bumped into Josiah and got to class relatively early. This time, Scorpio wasn't there to irritate me, which made me iffy. It felt quite weird to have some peace and quiet after a while of nonsense and buzzing in your ear. Professor Henri kept looking at me in warning as well as disgust in the duration of the lesson. I'm not going to lie, it felt uncomfortable the amount of times he was staring.

Luckily, he didn't ask to see me after class again.

But I caught of attention of many bystanders as I walked out the campus, causing some confusion for me. My journey to Milky Lane was short but pleasant. Today was an okay day, somewhat with the stares I've been getting. I sat at a far corner by the window, waiting for a worker to take my order. I think I wanted a Bar One Sundae.

"Hey, girl."

"Will!" I beamed at him. He was dressed in a blue striped white shirt with the Milky Lane logo on the pocket. Was he wearing that last time? "How are you since last time?" I cringed as I recalled our last encounter.

"I'm good. Your boyfriend is just scary as f***. So what's your order?"

I told him my choice and he left to go prepare it. As I looked out to the parking lot, I noticed a red Mercedes park in a reserved spot. Well, damn. But what shocked me more was the fact that Scorpio exited by the passenger side—right after a girl I hadn't seen before. She looked high maintenance as she held on to her Chanel clutch that was accompanied by matching yellow snakeskin, skin tight, thigh high boots. Her jumpsuit was plain black but you could see it cost a lot. If the diamond choker didn't complete the mean girl look, then her make up certainly did. And imagine my surprise when she leaned up to kiss him on the cheek.

He only looked down at her and smiled. My heart strings pulled a little—no, a lot— when he wrapped his arm around her shoulder. She smiled a perfect one as they made their way to my sanctuary.

"Here you go." Will's voice was in the far distance as I focused on how perfect they looked next to each other. "What's wrong, boo?" He looked to where I was and sighed. "Oh." He gripped my bare shoulder in comfort before saying something I didn't quite catch.

"Huh?" I asked stupidly.

"I said, honey, if you ever need a shoulder to cry on, I'm always here." And with that he left me with my ice cream.

Funny, I lost my appetite. I picked on the creamy goodness for a while before I lodged a big spoon of my guilty pleasure into my mouth. Even my favourite food didn't taste good anymore.

"Wow." A voice snarled. "All those calories. You should know not to be eating so much when you're already so fat. Maybe that's why Scorpio opened his eyes and came back to me. I mean, who could love you? Who could even touch you without recoiling in disgust?" She laughed. "I know Mr Holland did." She left with her earth shattering words, making me feel like dirt.

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