7| Oh, Please

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Bri Hall is Mariah!!!!!!😍^^^^

Mariah's POV

"You're such a pervert."

I scoffed at him. "Says the one who groped me."

"That's different."

"Different how?"

Scorpio only smirked at me.

"Okay, now what?"

"You're just really cute when you're irritated."

I sank in my seat in embarrassment and placed my hands on my thighs. When is that banana split gonna be here? I looked back to the counter to see our orders being finished. Smiling, I squealed in anticipation.

"Wow. I've never seen such a big ice cream fanatic." He commented.

"Well, now you have." I beamed as the creamy, milky goodness got closer.

The waiter approached us, setting our orders in front of us but lingering. Why was he just staring at me? I looked off to the side, sheepishly but was stunned when I heard Scorpio bark out some very inappropriate words. "Hey, you dips***! Stop f***ing ogling my girlfriend before I cut off you f***ing d*** and feed it to your f***ing mother! Yeah, leave."

"Scorpio! Don't be rude." I chastised as the waiter walked away. No, this time I did not look at his bum as he walked away.

"He was staring." Simply, he stated.

I sighed and looked at my meal in front of me. It's beautiful. Carefully, I picked the banana up first and let some melted ice cream drip off as I didn't want to get dirty. Holding the end with my hand—they gave me such a big banana— I licked off some of the remaining melted ice cream before putting the banana in my mouth.

Scorpio made a sound so I turned to look at him. He was staring at me intensely which confused me. I shrugged in question while he cleared his throat. "Just finish your banana."

I did just that but he was still staring at me. "What?"

"You got a little... around your..." He gestured to my mouth.

I licked my lips and the area surrounding and sure enough there was some ice cream left. "Mmm. That was good. Thank you, by the way." And I dug into the ice cream and Bar One bits. In just a few minutes, I was halfway done whereas Scorpio hadn't even started. "Your Whizzer is melting."

He was stuck in a daze before he looked down and picked up his spoon. "Thanks."

We ate in silence after that and things became suddenly awkward. "So... are you okay?" I decided to clear the air.

"Yeah, I am. I just need to go to the bathroom real quick, I'll be right back." He shot up from his seat and headed towards the lavatories.

I wonder what got into his pants. "You're good."

I jumped at the voice that sounded near me. "Oh, my..." Placing my hand on my chest, I turned to the culprit. "You scared me."

It was the waiter. "Sorry." He pulled a chair and sat beside me. "What you just did? Amazing. Please teach me your ways."

"Um... my ways?" I was confused. I did absolutely nothing.

His eyes widened before he leaned back. "You don't have a clue, do you?" He scoffed. "I'm Will." He stuck his hand out.

"I'm Mariah, how are you?" I shook his hand.

"I'm impressed with your game." He glorified. "What you just did was teasing at its best."

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