32| He's Sneaky

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Mariah's POV

"You know, when you left, I was bombarded by people asking about your whereabouts and too many looks were thrown my way. I thought it would blow over but after graduation, I still had people calling me or trying to talk to me about you. I couldn't take it, which is why I moved away and came back to my Mom's house. How did you find me anyways?" I was curious as to how he knew where to go.

"Alessandro had someone watch you from the time I was gone. Now, not stalk..." he noticed the glare I gave him. "She didn't see anything, I definitely wouldn't allow that. But just tracked where you were going to make sure you were safe."

"I don't know why I'm shocked. You're full of surprises."

I rested my head on his shoulder as we sat in my bed, looking out the window to see green pastures. It was a boring daily occurrence for me, unfortunately, but it wasn't so bad now that Scorpio was here.

"What now?" I asked suddenly.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I don't exactly think we can fall back into our routine. What's up? Are we still together or what?"

He shifted, making me whimper at the loss of contact. "We never broke up when I left, right?" I nodded. "You're still mine. And I'll make it up to you, Mariah, I promise you that. Yes, things are different now, but it's a good thing. Now that we have survived such a drastic shift in our relationship, I know that we will last. It's been three years...you think I'd give that up easily?"

I bit my lip and looked down.

"Come on, babygirl. I thought you had more faith in me than that."

"I do. I just had to ask because I needed to be sure. Anyway, aren't you uncomfortable in that suit?"

Yes, it's true. Scorpio Diablo Hall was wearing a fitted suit, tie and everything. "As a matter of fact, I am." He took off the blazer and tie, followed by a designer belt I hadn't noticed.

"Italy must've done you good." I said, looking at the Gucci belt in desire.

"You can have it if you want."

I'm sure my eyes were swirling with joy. "Really?" He nodded. "Oh, I'm never going another day without this belt." Holding it in my hand, the leather was smooth against my skin and the metal cooling my increasing temperature. "Thank you."

"Something else of mine you've taken. How many hoodies and jackets do you have now?" He said as he looked into my wardrobe. "Oh, wow, you even have some of my boxers."

"Yeah, I sleep in those. Reminds me of you."

Scorpio smiled back at me, going deeper into my closet. "This closet is huge. You have a section for everything. Where's your underwear?"

"At the far back to the left. Why?" I peered to see what he was doing and he was out in a second.

"I'm keeping these." In his hand my red lace thong.

"Hey, that's one of my favorites."

"Mine, too, babygirl." He gave me a kiss on the cheek, stuffing them in his pocket. "What do you wanna do for the rest of day?"

"To be honest...just to hold you and spoon."

His arms engulfed my body, bringing a warmth I hadn't felt for quite some time.

"Your muscles got bigger." I giggled as I squeezed—well, tried— his bicep. "These are rock solid."

"Guess what else?"

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