Part 2

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It had been 6 months since she last saw Scorpio. And her heart was eating at her from the inside out. Unsure of however long she could do this, her mind wandered to the many possibilities that could have been. Would he had found someone new? Would he have a new lifestyle? With no ways of communication, Mariah wondered... was he even alive?

She was dead inside, her only source of life out of it for who knew how long and she could do nothing about it. Having graduated, she went back home to her mother after they sorted out their differences. Going back to the conservative life, the old Mariah had come back and was a cocoon waiting to tear at any moment.

Coming back from church had always been a hassle. Even dressed as baggy but presentable as she could, sexual harassment always came her way. She hated it. Every Sunday she came home ashamed of herself because she knew no one could appreciate her the way Scorpio did. She'd flop onto her bed and snooze off to nightmare land for 3 hours and stay awake all night because she couldn't cope with the conjugations her mind made up.

And so, expecting this Sunday to be no different, Mariah didn't even bother greeting her mother and headed straight to her room. However, life had other plans.

"Mariah, aren't you going to come greet me and the guest?" Her mothers expecting voice called out to her. She trudged into the lounge room, only to faint immediately at the sight.

Why now?

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