16| Oh, Mama

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Mariah's POV

It's been a week since Scorpio dropped that bomb on me. Of course, I knew he wasn't serious because he wouldn't stay with me that long. So right now, I'm just counting the days until he finally has enough of me and decides to leave.

Which is probably soon.

"Mariah, mija." Jojo, his mother, called me, pulling me away from my thoughts. "What's on your mind? You seem very distressed."

I smiled at her concern but quickly looked down. "It's nothing serious, Mrs Hall."

Scorpio brought me to his family's home on the other side of town—luckily, in his brother's car— to 'spend the day with my family-in-law'. I swear, he's feeding me pipe dreams. Their home was quite big, to be honest but it was fitting. Mr and Mrs Hall had 6 children altogether with two of them being step children to the other parent. Mrs Hall's children liked me as well as the others but Mr Hall's one daughter had a strong dislike towards.

Right now, she was glaring fireballs into my head. I tried being nice but she only gave me stank. I tried, keep that in mind.

"Mariah, my darling." Mrs Hall continued, "If you're going to be my daughter-in-law, you're gonna have to learn to share these things with me. Now, I don't know if anyone has told you but you're an open book. I can tell something is troubling you. Speak to me." She urged me.

Sighing, I gestured to the daughter on the side and she told her to go up to her room. "Thank you. Mrs Hall, I'm just conflicted about Scorpio and my's relationship. I—"

"What have you got to be conflicted about?!" She all but screeched.

A bit tentative, I responded. "About a week ago, I told Scorpio that I liked him and he said he had already liked me for a while."

"Wait, wait, wait. A week ago, you told him you liked him? Does this mean you were just stringing him along before?" Okay, well this took a turn for the worst.

"No, no. Let me explain. " I did as I said and told her why I started speaking to Scorpio in the first place. "So now, I like him a lot again but I don't know if he feels the same way. I mean, he says so but I still have my doubts. After all, I did see him with his ex."

Her facial expression turned grim as she heard the last sentence. "When was this?"

"3 weeks ago I think. He told me it was because he accompanied her to the hospital to see her grandma and excuse me if I sound petty but, I don't really like him around her."

"I don't either." She rolled her eyes, making me laugh. "But during Taylor and Scorpio's relationship, he grew close to her grandmother. It'd be a surprise if he didn't go to visit her." I was about to say something when she continued. "However, I wouldn't expect him to go with that b**** of a human being."

Mrs Hall's vulgarity was almost as bad as Scorpio's but I know no one could match up to anything that boy does.

"Look, Mariah," She held my hand and stared into my eyes intensely. "Do not doubt Scorpio's feelings for you. If I know something about my boy, it's that when he says something he means it. He does like you. Heck, maybe even love you." With nonchalance she ended while I choked on air.

I looked at her as if she'd grown a leg.

"Don't look at me like that. Trust me. That boys liked you ever since last year. I remember the day he came to me gushing about this brown skinned girl with big curly hair and pure eyes. You wouldn't believe how happy I was that his heart was stolen by another girl. And I know it may be wrong but sometimes I spied in on him. Every once in a while, he'd speak to his brother about those moments you shared in the hallway and weirdly, about the way you ate your ice cream. I swear my son has a fetish. Oh!" She exclaimed, giggling. "The best part of all this. You know what he did?"

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