31| He's Back•

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Mariah's POV

"Mi corazon...wake up." I breathed out gently at the sound of his voice. How I missed the mellifluous texture behind his words. My eyes fluttered open, widening before they shut again. He chuckled before speaking again, "Open your eyes, babygirl."

"You're not really here. It's just another nightmare."

"I'm real, Mariah. I'm here."

Feeling the warmth of his hand in my cheek, I willed myself to look at the picture before me. "Scorpio." I whispered as tears rolled down my eyes. In the next second, I threw my whole body onto him and straddled him. My arms like boa constrictors around his neck, I squeezed until I couldn't anymore.

"It's me."

A mix of feelings hit me all at once when I fainted. Surprise that he actually came back, confusion as to how he found me, hope that he was here to stay, happiness that the love of my life was in reach once again, but anger and heartbreak was prominent as I thought back to the day he left me. "What are you doing here?"

"Let's go downstairs to talk about this."

With some help, I got down to the lounge, where I finally got the chance to calm down with a glass of water.

"Where should I start?"

"The day you left me."

"When you say it like that...please don't think like that anymore." He begged subtly and held my hands, kissing them. "I can't believe I'm holding you."

"I should be saying that to you."

"Well, the day I had to leave for Italy... Alessandro made me go there. The previous day, he had announced it to me that it was necessary I take the trip abroad and by the way he described it, it seemed legit. And it broke my heart..." he swallowed, "to have to tell you that way and that soon. I didn't have a choice, but what I know is that seeing that look on your face is the reason that I kept going. I couldn't let you believe this was it for us.

"When I landed in Italy, I got mugged straight away at the airport. They took my suitcases but one of them ended up with what I'm sure was a broken arm. I shook it off, knowing my next destination would somewhat make it better. For the remainder of my time in Italy, I stayed in Alessandro's home in Milan. There, his brother had kept me company. However...

"This all came at a price. Unfortunately, I got roped into some illegal businesses." He stared at my stern face. "Don't look at me like that, Mariah. I had to get involved in some pretty hard shit and...I'm a different person now. In a sense. I've been exposed to more than meets the eye. I've seen murder, human trafficking, all that inhumane stuff.

"Were you committing these crimes?" I asked in shock and disapproval.

"No, not all. Just a couple of guns and dealing. The reason I had to leave was because Alessandro got in a spat with some other mafia and I guess I was leverage so he sent me away. He advised me to take you but I thought it would be best for you to stay here. You know, because I d—"

"Wait a second." I snatched my hand away from his. "You're telling me, that we didn't have to be apart for so long?"

"Technically, yes. But regardless, now I know it was a better choice for me to make you stay here. Don't get mad at me now." He stared at me. "Hey, stop pouting."

I gave him the stank eye.

"You remember what happens to girls who don't listen right?"

Suddenly, the air shifted. All the emotions that came with being with Scorpio hit me all at once and the result ruined my new La Senza lace panties. I drew in a deep breath, hoping my skirt wasn't ruined when I stood up.

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