27| Oh, Rings

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Mariah's POV

Inside the car, I rode shotgun alongside Scorpio in the driver's seat while Taylor was in the back. I don't really have a set opinion about her but so far she hasn't said anything drastic.

"Mariah..." Her accent was irritating though. "Have you lost a bit of weight? I was sure this dress wouldn't fit."

"Taylor." Scorpio warned while I wrapped my arms around myself. "Don't you dare start with your bullshit. You know there is nothing wrong with mi princessa. There are countless reasons why I broke up with you and one of them is how bitter you get when things don't go your way. Mariah looks and is sexier than you ever will and you have to accept that."

I smiled secretly and looked out the window. Scorpio's large hand was warm as it rested on my thigh but gave me shivers due to its proximity to my vagina. His fingers were caressing the bare skin exposed by the risen fabric. He gave me a side glance and smiled at me. Taylor gagged in the back and crossed her arms in defeat. I don't know why I let her get to me, she just reminded me of the big bully I had in high school. He was the absolute worst and she was the girl version of him.

We were close to the warehouse. I was excited to go back besides the fact that my boyfriend was going to be pulverized by countless underground boxers. What's worse is that Taylor is in this equation. Her bitterness was making me worry.

Both our heels clicked in the parking lot and we entered the closed club. We went into that hidden entrance in the bar, heading to that huge double door. Biggie sat on his couch but was accompanied by a big breasted woman. She was hanging on him like her life depended on it and he was enjoying it.

"Biggie." Scorpio sharply let out.

"Ah, Lucifer. Sit and your girlfriend can too. Taylor, come sit by your father."

Hol' up. What?!

"Oh, black angel, don't be so surprised. Did Lucifer not tell you?"

"I didn't think she needed to know. Biggie, don't stir the pot."

"I'm not doing anything. Merely making conversation. Okay, Terms and Conditions." He began. "It starts at 8. So you have about two hours to train and warm up. First fighter is the Lion. Then it's Gabriel, Stone, Dixon, Stinger, and your absolute favourite, Jordan. You win all, you win the money for all. But, if you lose against me at the end, you lose everything. That means your money, your family, your girlfriend and all your assets."

Scorpio's jaw was tightly clenched near the end of his speech. I was just baffled at the amount of people he had to fight. If it was anything like the night I first came here, then I was very afraid for Scorpio. There were many complications that would take place and losing Scorpio was one of them. I really didn't want him to go through this.

I placed my hand on his thigh in comfort and he looked to me. My hand went to his cheek as I leaned in to kiss him. He smiled for a few seconds and whispered to me that fine.

Biggie yawned loudly. "Okay. I won't go easy on you, Lucifer. Especially since you broke my daughter's heart." He put an arm around Taylor, who grumbled as the random women kept touching her hair. "And now, you're flaunting your new relationship in front of her? You have nerve, young blood. If you weren't such a b****, I'd think of you as the son I never had, but you're pulling out of the game so early. You remind me of my young self. Reckless, impulsive and brave. Only difference is that you let love get to you. Listen to me," He leaned forward, "love will destroy you, Lucifer. But it's too late now. And as for you, black angel," His head swiveled to face me, "you are going to be a ring woman. Which means you have to parade around the ring before each fight announcing the opponent. You will explain what happens to those who try to escape the game, which is what is happening tonight. Your boyfriend's life is on the line, I hope you've got the stomach for it. Now leave my presence."

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