4| Oh, Details

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Mariah's POV

"You do realize you look sexy as hell right now?" Scorpio said out of the blue. "Just the right amount of booby and booty to let you know what you're working with but leaves you wanting more." He looked at me and smiled. "And I want so much more."

"Scorpio, you're so crude!" I gasped. I wasn't even wearing anything that revealing. I had changed into pink velvet short shorts and a white tank top without a bra. Yeah, I guess that wasn't a very good choice. But hey, I changed because I was dancing. Way before Scorpio barged into my room. His statement was flattering though. "Thank you." I beamed.

Right now, I was in our kitchen—what uni gives you public showers and private kitchens?—cooking some of my home food.

"Thank you? Really? That's all you're gonna say after I basically eye-f*** you and tell you that I've got blue balls." He sounded surprised.

I just shrugged at his speculating tone. "It was a compliment. So I decided to say thank you."

"Hmph." He huffed. We settled into a comfortable silence as I added spices and sauces to the chicken while he was, I'm assuming, on his phone. I was just adding the vegetables when I felt two hands literally dig into my ass.

"Haahhh!" I screamed at the painful surprise and dropped the spoon in the pot. "Oh, sweet baby Jesus. What is happening? Why am I seeing the light? Make the pain go away. Hooh!"

Why was he still holding me? So painful. So, so, painful. Ow. He gripped my hips before pulling me back to be flush against his front. Oh. "You wanna say thank you to that?" His lips grazed my ear and I sighed when he nipped my lobe.

"Um, uh. No? Yes? Maybe?" I stumbled over my words. "No!" I elbowed him, setting myself free from his cage and continued my cooking. It was ready which meant it was time to dish up but not before asking the guest if he wanted any.

"Yeah, sure, beautiful."

I blushed at his nickname and gave him his plate.

"You got any iced tea?" He shouted.

Scorpio Hall likes iced tea? "Yeah. You want?" I held the bottle up, to which he nodded his head vigorously to.

We settled on the couch by the window, watching Ridiculousness. It was the Steelo Brim episode, which had me laughing like crazy.

My laughter died down as I felt dark eyes burning holes onto the side of my head. "Do I have something on my face?" I inquired. We both set our plates and glasses on the coffee table in front of us and faced each other.

Smiling lightly, he replied. "Beauty."

Smooth. "Um. Thanks?"

"Why does that sound like a question?"

I honestly didn't know so I shrugged at him. It just came out that way I guess.

"You don't know how beautiful you are, do you?"

Biting my lip, I looked down. I don't think I'm beautiful. Pretty? Maybe. Beautiful? Heck no!

"Your skin.
Like silky smooth chocolate, it just melts in your mouth.
A delicate canvas that gets me aroused
When I look into your brown eyes, I know I'm going south
Because I'm falling for you hard, even in a safe house.

Vanilla [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now