17| Oh, Look•

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Mariah's POV

"Don't." I whined as I hid the lense with my hand. I blushed as he brought my wrist down and took another photo. "Stop it."

He climbed next to me on the bed and put on Shameless. My eyes stayed fixated on the screen as I drooled at his face. The shutter brought me back to reality and I looked back to a smiling Scorpio. He took another one and shook the hard copy for a bit, throwing it to the side taking another one.

"No." I tried getting the camera away from him but he had long arms. "Give it." Struggling, I climbed on top of him and as I was about to grip it, he moved it out of the way and off the bed I went onto the ground, bum first. "Oww. Look what you did." 

I looked up at him in slight distaste and he had the audacity to take a photo of this moment. "This is going on my wall." He laughed and put it down. His smile dropped when I got up and crossed my arms.

He wasn't going to get away with that. My further attempts of snatching the camera worked and I snapped a few shots of him. "Your smile is so cute." I cooed as I observed the Polaroid, looking back at him as he took another of me.

Rolling my eyes, I cuddled up to him and enjoyed the feeling of his hands stroking up and down my back.



"Why do you like me?"

"You want the short or the long version?"

I laughed and slapped his chest lightly.

"Okay. You're intriguing. Like a puzzle, it took me a while to figure you out and I'm still trying to. I guess what I enjoy is a challenge. Everyday, it's something new that I discover about you. And everytime, it's something that draws me in even more. It's never boring with you and I guess, that's why I decided to try and pursue you." He laughed. "Sure, it got me in trouble with Taylor but I didn't care. It's like, I had to have you. And now that I do, I'm never letting you go. You're addictive, Mariah. I can't get enough of you."

I yelped as he squeezed my bare bum tightly and slapped his hand away. "Don't."

"But it's right there."

"And it will stay there without you touching it." I gave him a warning look and shifted a bit. "Wow, okay. I think I'll just get off you now." Stunned, I patted his chest and went to turn off him.

He held me in place and smirked. "No, no, no. You're staying right here." I welcomed the warmth of his large hand in my hips and tried my hardest not to move so much.

"You're poking my thigh."

"Sorry." He grabbed his phone and tapped away at it.

"What are you doing?"

"Just playing some music." He put it down and Tinashe played through the speakers hooked onto the corners of the ceilings. How come I hadn't noticed that?

"You listen to Tinashe?" I asked, taken aback.

Offended, he justified himself. "Hey, she's got a nice voice and her style is dope. Don't judge."

"I'm not."

"I didn't know you could sing." He stared at me.

"I didn't know you could sing."

"I told you, there's a lot you don't know about me."

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