6| Oh, Dear

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Mariah's POV

"Do you realize how good you look?"

"Can you stop?" I chastised. What is up with him thinking I look good or that I'm beautiful?

"Not until you know your worth. You're amazing, baby girl."

"Stop calling me that." I hissed

A monotone voice was directed to me in the next second. "Ms Mariah Day Sterling, would you care to share what the symptoms of a domestic abuser are?" Professor Christopher gave me a pointed look. "Or were you too busy chatting to your boyfriend to notice that you were in a lecture?" He raised an eyebrow.

I shrank in my seat and bit my lip in embarrassment.

"Such a bad, bad girl." Scorpio cooed in my ear.

"Shut it!" I may have said that a bit too loudly because everyone turned back to watch me—including Prof. Christopher.

"Ms Sterling and Mr Hall, please kindly exit my lecture and come back tomorrow when you've sorted out whatever matter is so much more important than the course that will lead you to your career path."

Scorpio only shot up and out of his seat, pulling me with him. "Gladly." And he dragged me out the lecture theatre.

"Scorpio! Why would you say that?" I gasped when we were outside.

He gave a single laugh. "Cause he's a stuck-up b**** in pants and a lab coat."

He has absolutely no filter. But I like it.

"Where are you taking me?"

"I don't know. But I wanna go to the bathroom. You can come with if you like..." He smirked.

I scoffed before replying, "I'll wait outside."

"Your loss, baby girl." He sped off to the end of the hall while I just leaned against the wall to look at my Tumblr Wall.

A voice I never thought I'd here soon startled me, "Um, hey Mariah."

"Lucas!" I asked in surprise. "What are you doing here?"

He laughed slightly. "Um, I go to school here..."

Right. "So... what's up?" This is awkward.

"I got your letter." He handed it to me. "Look, if you had told me sooner—"

I cut him off with a finger in the air while I started reading.

Dear Lucas

You're the new kid in the block. Everyone likes you right now, especially me. I mean, we kinda have to. You're cute, you can dress yourself and you're such a gentleman. How could I help not falling in love for you?

I remember your first day at school. You looked so scared to be around new people but when I got assigned to show you around, I couldn't be happier. I couldn't help but notice your cute accent. You told me it was German. Your family had just moved to America because your dad got a promotion and life in general was better here. The whole day consisted of me making jokes, you laughing, me being clumsy, you laughing.

It turns out that we lived on the same road. We were walking back to our homes, when you told me you though I looked cute. You can't believe how ecstatic I was. I went home and told my brother even though he didn't want to hear it. My life was seemingly complete.

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