29| Oh, Parent

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"Okay, how do I look?" Scorpio nervously asked me while adjusting his tie for the nth time.

I kissed him on the lips once and held his hands. "You look fine. Handsome." He had on black dress pants, a white dress shirt and a black blazer with Italian shoes. "I'm ringing the doorbell now."

It dinged and donged for a while before the housekeeper opened the door. She escorted us to the lounge where we sat on the brown leather couches and awaiting the presence of my parents. Yup, that's right. The day has come for Scorpio to meet my parents and vice versa. One can only hope that things will go relatively well and that no blood will be shed.

"Mariah..." I looked at him. "I love you." I smiled and ducked my head down.

"Hey, sis! I heard you gotta man!" Travis's loud feet were stomping down the stairs before he appeared in all his annoying glory in a nice shirt and jeans. "Come hug you're favourite brother."

I ran into his arms and hugged him tightly, stopping myself from crying. As I pulled away, my hands held either side of his neck while I looked up at him. "Travis, you're so grown! Oh my Gosh, I missed you so much. My baby brother looks so mature."

He rolled his eyes at me and hugged me again. Then Scorpio cleared his throat and stood up from the couch. "Hi, I'm Scorpio. You must be her brother, Travis. I've heard a lot of things about you." He held his hand out and Travis took it welcomingly.

"Sup, man? I know she fed you bullsh*t about me so we can get to know each other better another time. One question for you and then Mari. What have you done with my sister? Both in and outside the bedroom, cause she looks different, she talk different and she act different."

Scorpio's eyes widened as he struggled to find words to say to my brother. "Travis...baby brother. Who's older?" I cooed.


"Right. Therefore, what me and Scorpio do, is none of your damn business."

Travis shook his head and laughed. "Yeah, yeah. Okay. Mari, you do know your boyfriend is white, right?" I nodded. "Well, I wish you guys both good luck. This is probably not gonna end well."

Scorpio's colour drained from his face. "Babygirl...I don't think I wanna do this, anymore."

I held his hand. "It's going to be okay." I hope.

"Where's my daughter!?" My mother's voice squealed when she appeared wearing a cream short sleeved shirt and some high waisted bootleg, baby pink pants.

"Mom! You look amazing!" We hugged and she pulled back, taking a good look at me.

"You look better..." Her tone of voice was very surprised but proud. "So different. So, confident." This was comforting. Seeing the look of pride on my mom's face was something I never saw and now I that I did...it felt amazing. After all those years of neglect, she seemed happy to see me. "And you, young man...must be the one who has restored my daughter." She turned to look at Scorpio sternly. "Thank you." Her voice turned soft. "You fixed her."

"Mrs Sterling, I assure you, there was nothing to fix. I have never seen your daughter as broken. She just needs somebody to love her. And I am glad I am the one who does that." He smiled at me at the end.

My mother's face fell a bit after that but she rejoiced, regardless. "I'm happy my daughter has you. Although, I was expecting something a little different. Something...browner."

"Ma'am, no disrespect, but just because I am not black does not make me unfit to be with your daughter."

"I never said that. Only that I expected something different. You are not black, that's for sure but I did not make any comment for you to speak to me in that way. Your attitude might just cost you my daughter." She threatened.

Vanilla [DISCONTINUED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora