9| Oh, Water

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Mariah's POV

It turns out, it was Scorpio's mother's 50th birthday and this was her party. She was very proud of the fact that she planned everything to be what it was right now. She wanted everything to be done her way, even the cooking.

After dancing for a while with Scorpio, I went to the bar for a glass of water. It was tiring trying to keep up with Scorpio and his mom. I'm sure that I'll have bunions when I take off these heels.

"So you're the girl my son won't shut up about." A gruff voice said beside me. I jumped as I faced Scorpio's older version. "I'm Alfonso." He held out his hand but at the last second, pulled me in for a hug.

"Hello, Alfonso. It's nice to meet you. I hope it's all good things you hear."

"Of course." He sat down. "Now, tell me, what magic did you do on my son for him to ditch that blonde girl for you?"

I blushed and shrank back. "Um, nothing. He just started annoying me and here we are." I laughed awkwardly and looked around desperately for Scorpio or his mom to come rescue but I had no luck.

"Well, he knows how to play his cards right. I think you're the right girl for him. Don't break his heart like the last one." He shook my shoulder a little before continuing. "So, when are you guys going to get married?" He joked.

I choked on my water and took a few seconds to collect myself. "Um, wow. I don't think that we'll get there, right now. We just started dating so..."

"Well, my wife wants grandchildren so you better hurry it up."

I blushed again and drank the rest of my water. Where's Scorpio when you need him?

"Padre, why does my girlfriend look so scared?" Thank the heavens, my prayers were answered when Scorpio hugged me from behind.

"I have no idea."

"I see you've met already so there's no point introducing you. Ma—" He was cut off by his mother's squealing and I could feel him rolling his eyes.

"My son and future daughter-in-law. You look bueno together. I'm just wondering when you'll give me a grandchild. You need to get on with it." She started ranting in Spanish while I ducked my head down, gobsmacked. "I'm not getting any younger, Scorpio." Finishing, she sighed.

My face was really hot from this talk about grand babies and in-laws that I went to reach for my now empty glass. I looked at it in desperation, retreating my hand back.

A new voice joined in and started rapidly speaking in Spanish. "I see we have a family reunion. Hola, mamí. Padre. What's up, big bro?" I'm guessing this was Scorpio's brother. He man-hugged Scorpio and only now seemed to notice me. "Aye, ¿como estas? Señorita, I may not know your name but you can call me 'Papi'." He looked me up and down and tried to put his arm around my shoulder. Scorpio quickly shoved him back and put his around protectively across my chest.

"Back off, Derrick. If she's going to be calling anyone 'Papi', it's going to be me. Mariah, this is my baby brother, Derrick. Derrick, my girlfriend, Mariah." He emphasized and gestured us to each other.

Derrick nodded at me in respect but when Scorpio turned around, he winked and licked his top row of teeth, sending me a kiss. I giggled at his silliness, causing Scorpio to turn back around.

"What was that?" He looked serious. I clamped my mouth shut and glanced at Derrick, who raised his eyebrows in knowing, making me smile. He was funny. "Baby girl, come with me." I let him pull away from his family and enter the double doors. He lead me into the kitchen and out the back door, letting what little light that was outside, shine on us.

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