Who knows? (Part Two) - Viktor Nikiforov x Reader

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(Y/N) found herself mindlessly walking back into her room, her head much more messed up than it was before.

Viktor was talking about how he placed the glass of water and the pill on the table between the couch and the telly but she couldn't be bothered to care at the moment as her mind was plagued by more pressing matters.

Solnyshko? Bite him? She had never bitten anyone her entire life. And why would she be a little sun? And his?


She had never remembered biting anyone her entire life.

Or did she?

The lack of any clear recollection about last night's dinner party is starting to unnerve her. God knows what her inebriated mind had given her the courage to do.

"-you should eat first before taking the medicine though." Viktor was still babbling on as he placed her breakfast right beside her glass of water, "I remembered taking it the first time and insisting that I can handle it without anything in my stomach. It was horrible." The silver haired skater chuckled and disappeared to possibly retrieve his own breakfast from where he left them.

What on earth did I do? The girl desperately racked her memories for any leads because Viktor doesn't look like he'd talk about it anytime soon, and it certainly wouldn't help her poor dignity and pride to ask him about it directly because she doesn't even know whether she could take whatever answer he's bound to give or not.

The fact that not a single part of her body seemed to hurt -especially down there- was enough good news to go by, she had always trusted Viktor like that. Otherwise, she wouldn't have approved to share a room and a bed with him back in Hasetsu.

But that doesn't explain why she woke up with one of Viktor's large shirts falling over her shoulders, or the smell of Viktor's expensive cologne all over her and the sheets and inside the bathroom, or his clothes carelessly piled up in a corner.

There were hands on her shoulders and she was being directed to sit on the couch she seemed to be glaring at the entire time.

Once there, the (H/C) teen found herself sinking on the plush settee as another weight occupied the space beside her, long slender hands cupping (S/C) cheeks and guiding her (E/C) gaze to meet gentle turquoise hues,

"Are you alright?" The older skater asked, handsome face marred with concern as he looked her unresponsive form over.

(Y/N) was still thinking about whatever folly had happened last night when she found the v shaped neckline of one particular striped jumper just seemed to be a little too deep for her liking.

That was when she saw it. Littering an otherwise immaculately fair skin was a couple of bruises starting from behind one right ear, trailing down the side of one slender neck and disappearing just where the fabric had begun to cover one shoulder.

"W-what happened to you?" She stammered, face flushed an adorable (in Viktor's opinion) shade of red.

Twin blues blinked before an almost embarrassed look crossed the older man's features. Viktor wouldn't have wanted to talk about this now (he's still mildly abashed) but the girl showed no signs of letting him off the hook, "You kind of bit me...last night." He looked to the side, suddenly finding the blank television horribly fascinating, one hand rising to touch the side of his neck that was peppered with bite marks.

(E/C) eyes widened in utter shock,  "I w-what?!" The girl was majorly freaking out now, "I b-bit you?!" She asked a bit too incredulously but Viktor had such an honestly flustered look on his face when he nodded (despite of that winning smirk threatening to rise from inviting lips any second now), and she couldn't really deny the long list of craziness she's bound to do the moment she succumbs to alcohol.

And it's not as if she never held any peccant desires to just mark that expanse of smooth fair skin with her own teeth.

Problem was, her rational mind knew how to restrain those indiscreet trail of thoughts, her drunken mind, however, doesn't.

She was intoxicated last night, Viktor had been kind enough to volunteer that he carry her to her room...and she bit him.

Helplessly shaking her (H/C) head, (Y/N) chose to accept the fact that she did, in actual fact, bit one Viktor Nikiforov last night.

Not once, not even twice or thrice.

The girl groaned, "You should've kept me from doing so. Look at you! What would people say when they see those...." (Y/N) flushed, not wanting to say the word.

To her surprise, Viktor now sported a smirk, "Hickey?" He offered, before correcting himself, "The plural form, of course."

The girl found her cheeks growing warmer at the satisfied look on the other skater's face, "That's not a good thing, okay?Why didn't you stop me then?!" She pouted and sunk deeper into her sheets. Thankful for the extra flap that began to fall over her eyes.

At least he won't see me now...

A soft chuckle and she could feel him shift closer, "Do I even have to tell you why?" His enchanting face was the first thing she saw after he carefully tugged the makeshift hood over and off her head, "Because I liked it..." He breathed, it smelled strongly of mint with a hint of chocolate and she could drown in that and the lost look in those pools of paradoxically warm icy blues anytime of the day, "This is almost like a wedding..."

(Y/N) found herself drawing closer despite of how her breath hitched in her throat, "Really? Why?" She whispered, helplessly ensnared in his spell to even bother caring about personal space now.

Viktor's gaze turned into something much much more softer... It was almost loving, as he tucked strands of (H/C) behind her ear, "You know, like how the groom lifts the veil off the bride's face."

"I know. What I meant was, why? Why almost?" And the girl herself was half-pleased half-appalled by her newfound confidence.

This caught the silver haired Russian by surprise as much as it did her, and for a moment he looked as if he couldn't find the words to say to that.

But of course, Viktor was Viktor and he does whatever it was that first comes to his mind when he's at a loss for words. He pressed their foreheads together and stared longingly at lush pink lips beneath him as if begging for permission.

And by this point, the (H/C) skater is under no condition to deny any wishes made by those puppy dog eyes of his, "You're the expert when it comes to weddings. You know what happens next." She smirks at that wave of childish relief and unadulterated happiness that washed over one elegant face before she could feel soft warm lips pressed against hers.

(Y/N) wouldn't comment about the slight cut she felt on the side of Viktor's lower lip.

She thinks that that one could be listed down on her Nile long list of things to be deathly ashamed for after this.

Not that there was much thinking she could do as she was lowered down to lay with her back against the plush surface of the couch with Viktor hovering on top of her.

"I think I'll make it up for not touching you last night, dorogaya." He cooed seductively and the girl swears the tingles that ran up and down her spine was because of that thick and velvety Russian accent of his and not the man beginning to fit himself inside the little burrito cocoon of sheets she wrapped herself in.


-First thing I typed in that last part was 'not the man beginning to fit himself inside her little burrito' but no, nope, I was lucky enough to think about the innuendoes it might imply and was able to make very last minute changes.

Personally, I think the biting/marking kink was already overboard if I were originally aiming for general readers, but anyways, I'm still determining what age range I'm supposed to be aiming at so feel free to let me know what you want to see down the comments.


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