Christmas Part 1: Yuri - Viktor Nikiforov x Reader

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... Or Christmas: The time of the year where your heart is in the right place.

Where the reader is currently participating in the ladies' singles in the GPF and therefore wouldn't be able to make it on Viktor's birthday.

Cue a teary Skype convo and reader arriving in a suitcase.

Something round and golden?
Work Text:

"But (Y/N)-chan, it's Viktor's birthday, are you sure you couldn't make an exception, even just for tomorrow?" Yuri negotiated with a (H/C) girl over at Skype.

His laptop had shown the teen shaking her head with a rueful smile on her face from her hotel room in France, "I'm so sorry, Yuri, you know that the ladies' singles would be later and the time difference would mean it would already be the 25th right where you guys are."

The Japanese skater sighed and looked apologetic, "I know. It's just that, Viktor would surely want you to be there. You're his girlfriend after all." He resorted to pursing his lips in thought.

Yuri had originally planned to make Viktor's birthday memorable this year since he became his coach and beared with him being a handful. It was the only way he thought of to verse just how grateful he is for everything.

And after finding out from Mila about how she had never seen (Y/N) and Viktor spend the 25th of December together ever, well, Yuri had to take it upon himself that the two be reunited on his coach's special day.

It wasn't long after Viktor became his coach that he met (Y/N) (L/N) a blossoming young lady of eighteen, who is practically the epitome of Viktor in the ladies' singles division of competitive figure skating.

She is a star in every single facet as Viktor is, renowned and loved by many fans. Yuri had already adored her from the moment she stepped on the competitive ice. Although, unlike Viktor, she is not as overwhelming for him as his coach was and still is.

There's just something about the calm and serene air and grace in the way she skates that's just relaxing and enthralling both at the same time.

Like a breath of fresh air, it doesn't take the air out of his lungs forcibly, but instead, provides him with it.

Not to mention she's kind, and a wonderful person in general.

They had never formerly met before but whenever he'd catch Viktor on Skype in his laptop, the Russian would almost always pull him to his side to talk to the girl while he watched them from the sidelines.

The only indication he ever had that the girl and Viktor has some sort of romantic relation is that one time where Viktor had slipped and absent-mindedly voiced out his thoughts about how much he loves seeing his precious lyubov getting along quite well with his student.

Yuri was lucky enough to at least now what love is in Russian.

After that came the occasional sweet conversations he managed to walk in on.

"It's not as if this would be the first time I won't be around during Viktor's birthday." (Y/N) offers a tiny unreadable smile, reaching over her table to retrieve a mug of what seemed to be hot cocoa, "Just wish him a happy birthday for me, okay? Tell him I love him so much and to please watch over you and Yura," she leaned closer and Yuri could clearly see how badly she would've wanted to be there for Viktor's birthday in her (E/C) hues.

So he nodded and attempted to lighten the mood up a little bit, "Wouldn't it be the other way around though? Me watching over your Russian babies instead of Viktor keeping an eye on us?" He chuckled when she did and he was glad that his lame attempt at a joke at least did the job.

(Y/N) shook her head before reaching up to rid her eyes of tears from excessive laughter, "You do have a point there. Just tell him not to bully Yura so much, yeah? And please keep a close eye on Viktor for me, make sure he's always happy and well-fed. Also, don't let him overfeed Makkachin, neither the darling dog or his owner knows when to stop eating." She giggled fondly at the last part before her eyes seemed to grow distant and heavy. The girl actually looked weary and nervous despite of her cheerful facade, Yuri had to give her a pat on the back for that.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of that, or rather, them. Just focus on the Grand Prix and perhaps give Viktor a call whenever you can? Just to personally greet him with your own voice, that is. I doubt he'll appreciate it that much if it came from me compared to if it came from you." Yuri smiled and looked around his hotel room. Thankfully, no one had still noticed his absence from the banquet downstairs if the lack of knocks on his door was anything to go by.

"Thank you, Yuri. Also, I assure you that I would call Viktor, as I always do."

"Well then, I think you should rest up before your competitiom starts."

"Perhaps. And Yuri,"


"Congratulations on winning the gold."

"It wouldn't have been possible without you and Viktor."

The girl shook her (H/C) head with a smile, "You are a very talented individual, Yuri. Viktor and I barely had anything to do with that."


(Y/N) rose her index finger up the screen in a gesture of silence, "No buts, Yuri. Anyways, I guess I'll take that offer of a rest up now, ciao~"

Yuri doesn't really need Maximillian to bite his head off for keeping (Y/N) from taking a break before a competition like she's supposed to be doing so he had close to nothing to say to that.

Especially not when the blond haired coach rounded a corner and appeared to be looking over (Y/N)'s shoulder from the screen.

And most definitely not when he began demanding just what on earth does the girl think she's doing.

"Ciao!" Yuri quickly ended the video call before the French coach's sharp bottle green eyes could even pierce him through his screen from France to Barcelona.

-----To be continued

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