All we know (Pt.5) - Y.Plizetsky x Reader x V.Nikiforov

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Him. Him. Nikiforov, V. That guy.

All of those are names she changed his contact information into. She thinks that perhaps she could retain some shred of her dignity by refraining from calling him 'lyubov moya' when, apparently, there is no longer any.

The pounding on her chest momentarily felt nonexistent, she feels nothing but emptiness amidst the loud cacophony in her heart and her mind. As if even her brain just shut down and had completely given up to even attempt to sort out and keep up with the messed up turbulence of emotions in her system.

Yurio shifts and slings an easy arm around her as he silently reads who it was from. He stiffens, she turns a bit to see him scowling and the hand of that arm around her had gripped her own that held her phone.

The Russian Punk is legitimately pissed off as he read the message aloud,

"Just in case you haven't had any plans yet, we can go to the gala together. Maybe we can also talk after?!" The blond pulls away as he exclaims, obviously scandalized,

"What is there to talk about?! That's bullshit! After half a year of not hearing any crap from him he sends you this shit? Shouldn't he be wondering if you even bothered to keep his phone number in the first place?!" He looks at her in utter incredulity.

(E/C) hues remains glued to her phone screen as she inwardly debated whether or not she should even think about replying to this message much less what to say if she even comes to the decision to do so.

(Y/N) could feel her head travel at a million miles in that very instant, like an empty bullet train speeding aimlessly towards no clear destination. She's thinking and trying not to think about Viktor; she's reminiscing as she desperately tries to forget; her heart is collapsing in on itself as she tries so hard not to yearn for the days she used to try so hard to wish she still had to spend with him-

Her fingers poised on the keypad, mindlessly typing and deleting and typing again.

Uh, ye-


I'm actually---

Maybe we co-

(Y/N) shakes her (H/C) head in exasperation as she grips her phone tighter in her grasp.

She regrets ever even reading the damned message, especially now that she begins to feel obligated to think of a suitable answer, as if her mind wasn't already enough of a mess as it is.

Her brain is screaming and yelling at her to run away, to just forget any of this ever happened. It didn't help her the very least when it sparked something akin to hope in her heart that helped revive its foolishly stubborn and naïve little ways.

By this point, (Y/N) knew just exactly where she was headed to-

her demise.

Like that train careening off its designated tracks and toppling over itself, heading into nothing else but its destruction.

Devoid of any chance, choice or course of action.

But then Yurio speaks and drowns all thoughts as he always did.

Smoothly and effortlessly, as if it were mere breaths leaving his lips instead of an actual epithet for her former lover.

He gives her a choice.

"Hadn't it even occured to him that you might've already blocked him?" He says, still so extensively disbelieving as he glared down at the phone in the girl's hands, sounding honestly offended.

A thought then occurs to him and he snatches the phone out of the (H/C) haired skater's hands, fumbling with it, "That's what you should do, block that lame ass piece of shit as an excuse of a boyfriend."

(E/C) hues widened as the girl realizes that her phone is no longer in her possession and that the blond teen is now messing with it, "Give it back, Yura!" She exclaims as she reaches out to grab the device.

The Russian punk pulls the phone away and out of her prying hands, collapsing with his back on the bed as he continues to tap his fingers on the screen, "Not until I had given him a piece of my mind!" He grunts each word in effort as he rolled around the bed and dodged the phone's unrelenting owner's attempts at reclamation.

(Y/N) didn't want the boy to get any more involved with the chaotic situation between herself and Viktor, but there wasn't really much she could do as the blond teen proved to be unforgivingly stealthy and not the least bit persistent as she is.

Especially not upon hearing the unmistakable rings of a call made from a phone as it waits for the other side to pick up.

Her phone.

She slowly looks up in trepidation from where she was laying horizontally across the bed by the stomach and sees the blond's tall and proud figure standing in front of her.

Yurio still has that mercilessly miffed look on his face as he holds the phone against his ear and taps his barefoot on the floor in impatience all the while tightening the now loose towel around his waist and glaring from side to side as he paces.

The (Y/nationality) young woman knew that it was entirely irrelevant but she swears that she couldn't take any second more of seeing the blond in nothing but a towel, "Aren't you going to change into anything?" She raises a curious brow as she slowly pried her eyes away from the very compromising place she found herself unwittingly fascinated with.

The blond turns around at the sound of her voice and catches her in flagrante delicto. A smirk tugs at the corner of his thin lips as he cocks a sensual brow, "Like what you see?" He places a hand on his hip.

She feels warmth blossom on her cheeks at being caught staring, "W-what are you talking about?!" The girl exclaims, almost indignantly.

"You were just looking at my-"

(Y/N) cuts him off before his words could even steer the conversation and her head off into uncharted territory, "That's not what I was talking about!"

The Russian sighs and shakes his head before giving her a helpless little smile that seemed to speak of volumes about how he still adores her despite of being a complete idiot, "I don't wear anything in bed."

"W-what?" The (H/C) haired girl stammers in mild incredulity, still having quite a hard time digesting the unanticipated revelation.

A mere few minutes ago she was thinking about how to respond to Viktor's message, now her mind is going haywire as she tries to figure just exactly how is she supposed to sleep next to Yurio now that she found out about his sleeping habit.

She doesn't know which she prefers to be burdened with more.

-----To be continued

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