To Roll or To Fold? Just Shove Them In, Idiots! 3 - VNikiforov x Reader ft. Yura

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"Y-you what?" Viktor asked in mild disbelief and trepidation, his hands lowering to lay the items he currently had on his hands in between them.

(E/C) hues blinked in confusion, "I rolled them. Why? Is something wrong?"

It was Viktor's turn to blink now, "Shouldn't you have just folded them instead?" He resumed folding some of the girl's remaining clothes as if to make his point, "It is the traditional way, right? And won't it mess the clothes up less?" He placed them carefully on the suitcase laid infront of him as his meaningful gaze was back on the girl.

She shook her head and continued rolling the other skater's clothes, "It saves up more space this way." She muttered and placed them inside the man's luggage.

"Really? How? Because I bet folding them up would save twice as much given how they would be stacked thinly in a horizontal manner." The silver haired skater retorted, his blue eyes determined and a little bit too competitive as they skimmed through the clothes he managed to fit inside the girl's suitcase to those that she managed to fit on his own then to the (E/C) hues of  the person directly infront of him.

The younger skater allowed herself an incredulous snort at the look she had just received, "Really, Vitya? We're going to argue over this?" She had always taken pride over being the more mature one between the two of them but something about Viktor making a huge deal about how to pack their suitcases just seemed to be too ridiculous even for her.

But Viktor, oh dear Viktor just had to play the sarcastically innocent card by raising both of his hands in mock surrender, his mischievous blue eyes wide and all, "Hey, I didn't say anything about wanting to fight over something so trivial as this. What I was just trying to say is that my method of packing is more practical than yours." A slight snicker found its way on one side of his sinfully distracting lips.

"Seriously, that's the exact words of someone who wants to start a fight, Vitya." The girl deadpanned, before going back to her own business, letting it slide for now.

A small hum in acknowledgement and a few beats of silence passed by the two of them before Viktor spoke up once more, "I was just wondering," this made the girl look up from when she was close to filling up Viktor's suitcase with still so much clothes left unpacked to spare.

"What?" (Y/N) snapped, a bit too miffed by her technique's apparent failure to tolerate Viktor's undue inquisitiveness, her (E/C) hues fixed in a sharp glare.

A self-satisfied smirk and the girl swears that one wrong word and god forbid would she be willing to satisfy this man's abberant craving for a fight.

"How is that," Viktor points one slender index finger at the full suitcase, "-saving up enough space?" He tilted his head to the side in an attempt to look innocent despite of the shit-eating grin he had on his face.

This finally made the girl snap.

"Well I can't see how yours is doing any better!" She pointed an accusing finger at her equally as filled suitcase, her tone raising a scale.

Icy blue eyes widened in surprise, "Hey! It isn't my fault that you decided to pack so much!"

This practically made the girl leap out of her kneeling position, "Says the one who packed two of everything!" She medium-yelled indignantly.

"At least I packed for two people!" Viktor huffed and crossed his arms over his chest.

The (H/C) young woman copied his movements, "Yeah right. You packed for someone who probably did his own packing already!" She didn't miss how her voice gradually raised by the end of her sentence, all the while her arms splayed wide.

Viktor grunted as he tried to fit in an additional layer of folded clothes inside the girl's suitcase, "I was just looking out for, Yura!"

"Just like what you said a few minutes ago!" (Y/N) exclaimed, as she continued to fit in additional clothes inside the currently infuriating man's luggage, "God, Vitya, Yura's already more than capable of doing his own packing," the girl mumbled under her breath.

"That's besides the point! What we're talking about was how on earth is it even possible for you to pack this much clothes for yourself!" The silver haired man spread his arms wide as he gestured to all the clothes in front of him.

Strands of (H/C) whipped around one (S/C) face as the girl shook her head in complete disbelief, "The issue here is how on earth is it even necessary for you to pack for someone who's already more than capable of packing for themselves!"

"As I already said, Yura was way too excited for this trip, he might overlook something." The older skater reasoned, his voice dropping an octave.

Something about the genuine concern in the man's ignorant yet completely compassionate reasoning almost made the girl want to immediately end their argument.


But he just had to feel the need to add,

"Had you just followed my method of folding the clothes then you would've already finished with that." His condescension doing little than to further nark the already aggravated young woman.

"Bloody hell, Vitya! Are you blind?! Had I followed you I'd be stuck in the same situation as you if not worst given that you bloody felt the need to pack for frigging two people!"

"As I already said," Viktor began, trying to sound calm and even, but failing, "I was just looking out for, Yura!"

"He's a sixteen year old Russian teen who's probably even more mature than you are!"

This made the silver haired skater clench his fist around one uncannily soft and squishy piece of clothing. Without looking down at it, he flourished his occupied hand to the side, "And how on earth did everything come down to my maturity?!"

"Had you been mature enough then we wouldn't have had this argument in the first place!"

"Had you been mature enough then you wouldn't have tolerated it!"

"Damn it, Vitya! You're a goddamn grown man making a fuss about how it's better to pack your suitcase!"

"Well sorry to break it down to you, sakrahok (sugar) but I'm not the only one arguing about how my techinique of packing is better!"

(Y/N) kept her ground despite of the blush that surfaced on her face upon hearing the pet name, hands clenched into fists in both of her sides, she bellowed, "Mister Viktor Nikiforov just in case you have so kindly forgotten I haven't started this freaking packing war! I respected whatever the hell you were doing with my clothes and-"

As if she needed any more reason to feel utterly enraged with the other skater, she just had to see her favorite bra clasped tightly inside the hand of the man's outstretched hand, "Just what on earth do you think you're doing, Vitya?!" She's sure that her voice had echoed all around the house but she couldn't care less as she stretched out and attempted to steal her underwear out from Viktor's grasp.

-To be continued

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