Close your eyes (and I will make your dreams come true) Part 2: Viktor x Reader

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She could hear her friend hum amongst the sound of a couple of taps on what she could make up as the other girl's laptop.

"Are you looking it up on Google?" (Y/N) asked incredulously, barely restraining a laugh.

"Duh, how else would I know?" a few seconds of momentary silence before her friend began narrating whatever it was she had gotten over the net, "Says here he just decided to come over to teach children, or eager skaters."

(Y/N) found herself obnoxiously scoffing, "Well that's inconveniently spontaneous of him. I suddenly feel sorry for his coach,"

"Right? Poor Yakov always have to explain to the media as to how and why the hell Viktor always flies over to places during skating season." Her friend could actually be nodding right now.

The girl openly chuckled by this point, "Don't even get me started on thinking about how the hell Yakov even manages to haul his ass back to Russia in time for competition."

There had always been something about conversations concerning Viktor -or skating, in general- that had never ceased to at least fuel the dying embers in her soul. She tends to get the most of it during times like these.

Her friend fortunately knows just as much, "Do you think it had something to do about that incident a year ago?"

"You mean the one with Katsuki Yuri?" The (H/C) haired girl tapped her chin in thought, her foot following the movement as it always does, "Come to think of it, it would make sense. Why else would he come all the way to Japan unless it is to pick some lucky talent up?"

(Y/N) didn't know when she started walking straight towards the skating rink. Figured it was just her feet developing a mind of their own as always.

"Yeah, but I haven't seen any viral video of any skater skating to either his or- Wait, just what is this?!" Her friend sounded like the abominable cross between half-freaked half-happy about something.

The girl rose one brow in confusion, she could mildly hear In Regards to Love: Agape on the other end of the line and she ponders just what on earth was it that had suddenly gotten her normally walking undrainable battery of a friend so silent.

"Hey, (B/F/N) are you still there?" she asked, pausing in her tracks. One of her hands pressed against the glass wall that had always kept her from the rink unless she paid for an entrance fee. People were still blocking her view of whatever it was inside but she could feel mild content seeping in her system just by being this close to the rink.

She could still remember how it felt against her borrowed skates. During that one time, that very first time-

(Y/N) had her forehead pressed against the cool surface in gentle remembrance, but that was all before her friend had finally deemed it the right time to yell straight at her ear.

"WHY ON EARTH DID YOU NOT TELL ME THAT YOU SKATED TO AGAPE A FEW DAYS AGO AND THE VIDEO WENT VIRAL?!" her voice had blared and put to shame the sound of a messed up chorale of a dozen ambulances.

The body count or the severely injured people inside that particular mode of transportation could make up for how she was rendered momentarily deaf after the outburst. If the silent ringing inside her left ear is enough to go by.

"What? I'm sorry?" (Y/N) began, confused and could still consider her hearing temporarily impaired.


The (H/C) teen turns around so she could press her back against the cold glass instead, "If it was for me skating alone then I'm sorry, okay? I'm getting way too old for this and-"


Okay, there comes an incoming pounding on her head, "Goddammit, (B/F/N) you of all people should now that skating is already out of the question for people our age!"


"FOR FUN!" she yelled back because she's beginning to doubt her calm is taking her anywhere in this doomed conversation, "Geez! I might as well try, you know? I'm not getting any younger. And I haven't even tried half of the things I would've wanted to try," she trailed off because that hit too close to home.

She could hear her friend sigh, it was one of guilt, she could make out that much. (B/F/N) was weighing her words from what she could judge from the silence that ensued afterwards.

"That still doesn't explain why it's all over the net..." the other girl could all be pouting from inside her room at the moment.

(Y/N) suddenly felt realization hit her like a thousand bullet trains all at once.

It was her time to freak out, "HOW THE HELL WOULD IT BE ALL OVER THE INTERNET?!" she yelled, failing at restraining herself mid-sentence but chose to make up for her outburst by resorting to hissing, "What the hell are you playing at, (B/F/N)?"

"I'm not lying. It's all over social media, captioned, 'The Next Katsuki Yuri: Is Hasetsu really the home for undiscovered talents in figure skating?'"

"If this is some elaborate joke, I swear to god, (B/F/N) I am so going to end you." (E/C) hues glared at the floor as the girl gritted her teeth and drenched every single word with a venom indicating that she could and she would execute her threat.

A pause and she knows her deadly intentions had come across clearly and quite well at that too, "You know I'm not the type to put my life on the line just for a chance to play cheap tricks on you, (Y/N). I know how you could get when your ill-temper gets the best of you and trust me when I say that I am aware that I won't hear the end of it."

And she starts to believe that perhaps there have been some truth in her friend's words because, why on earth would one even gamble their lives in such a childish trifle as a joke?

She was just about to start chuckling when her feet just suddenly decided to make her face the rink once more. Her impending laughter seemed to get caught in her throat at the sight of identical index fingers pointing accussingly at her general direction from inside the skating rink.

There was the glass that keeps her from, well, anything inside the skating rink, but the weight those fingers and the gazes that had followed held and seemingly directed towards her was enough to make her think that had the glass not been there at all, she would've spontaneously combusted and reduced into nothing but ashes from where she stood.

(E/C) orbs blinked in confusion. The rational part of her mind urged her to get the hell out of there because what good would she get from spending a second more under these strangers' gazes and having to pathetically watch them from the outside when she doesn't even know whatever the hell is happening anymore, but her feet won't cooperate as always.

They proved themselves as pesky uncooperative masses of bones, muscles, blood and tissues always meaning to put whatever's left of her dignity down for the world to judge.

"(Y/N)? Are you still there?" (B/F/N)'s voice sounded worried, but she couldn't bring herself to bother herself about that now because there was suddenly a gap forming amongst the crowds to make way for a rather tall figure moving towards her.

Who just so happened to be none other than...

Russia's very own living legend.

Viktor Nikiforov.

-----To be continued

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