All we know (Pt.6) - Y.Plizetsky x Reader x V.Nikiforov

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"Never face each other
One bed, different covers.
We don't care anymore..."

It wasn't as if it was her first time sleeping next to a naked guy. Surprisingly, Viktor liked to sleep in the nude as well and he often did so whenever they would sleep together.

Russians have weird sleeping habits.

At least, those whom she had encountered thus far.

He used to lay beside her like that- bare and familiar. Pure and unmitigated and hers for the taking.

They used to lay beside each other in bed. Face-to-face, raw emotions swirling in two pairs of eyes glued together by passion and an incurable infatuation.

They laid on luxurious beds and fluffy futons, on slightly itchy fields of grass and on wooden floors. Lost in each others' gaze as they stared all reason away.

They did all those and so much more.

But that was before she saw the rainbows fade and the glimmering lights dim from Viktor's eyes.

That was when she knew that the glue that held the man's ever-so-fleeting fascination on her had expired.

It's as if love came in a bottle. Perishable, with no expiry date on the label whatsoever.

It occured to her that she should've checked first before downing the entire fickle thing, then maybe she wouldn't have to suffer from a neverending relapse.

Bottled love is possibly the most poisonous thing one can deliberately consume or give out.

Viktor didn't even have to turn his back on her while they slept anymore. She knew that he changed his bed sheets for the third time that week.

But that didn't mean that the scent had faded away.

That didn't mean that it was any easier for her to take the unforgiving winter that had become of Viktor. The spaces that had grown between their hands, the loss of words in the middle of conversations or the dead silence that hung above them like the blade on a guillotine.

Both afraid to speak for the sake of the fragility that had grown heavy enough to cut off their heads should it shatter because of one wrong word.

They both stared at the ceiling.

Still on the same bed. Wondering about rights and wrongs.

(Y/N) didn't know how the hell can the world be round when she's clinging on the edge of it for dear life as she searched the abyss below for Viktor's thoughts, those tiny little slivers of truth he hides behind those eyes that she catches glimpses of whenever he isn't too busy looking away.

Whenever he'd let his guard down and try to really look at her like he used to.

She started to feel and see the strain on those turquoise gazes.

It was then that she entertained the foolish thought that the earth is flat because her hands had slipped and she's falling



down into that endless void of a future she still yet to be brave enough to fathom.

And so she falls still. Tortured and toyed with by uncertainty and anxiety in their cruel little game of hide-and-seek.

"Finally!" Came an aggravated sigh, and a (H/C) head shoots up in alarm. She could feel different universes spinning around her.

Yurio wears a smug little smirk on his pretty face, "Guess who finally decided to pick up the phone."

Do You Wanna Build A Snowman? - Viktor Nikiforov x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now