Christmas Part 3: (Y/N) - Viktor Nikiforov x Reader

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Part 3 to 'Christmas: The time of the year where your heart is in the right place.'

Work Text:

It's not as if she never wanted to be there for him. Especially not during one of the most important days in his life.

It's just that, it was impossible.

It's the GPF and she knows Viktor would understand. He always does. Both of them had that unspoken agreement before they even started pushing through with this still-yet-to-be-defined relationship of theirs.

That in the event that they would have to choose, both of their careers would always come first for the two of them, their understanding of the other party's situation already being a given.

That arrangement is more than welcome for the two of them, if anything, it had been of Viktor's own volition to establish such a generous mandate.

She could still remember how those heartwarming words slipped pass his lips during one of her trips to watch his performance in Sochi as a belated birthday surprise for the previous year.

In the midst of all the tears of joy that was shed in the middle of a distance that had been closed during that moment, Viktor's arms were quick to wound around her waist as his lips were to find her own.

At that moment, she figured that Viktor could no longer bother caring about any paparazzis that might've been lurking about because he was overwhelmed with raw emotions, and passion so palpable that it came through her in waves that almost seared her skin from where Viktor had been touching her. It was everything but inappropriate.

It was sweet and chaste but nowhere near how cheesy Viktor was being with his words and timid touches.

It was absurd, really, how she was reminiscing about their moments together when they're worlds apart at the moment. Everything (Y/N) could taste wasn't the cherry cake she was served with this evening, it was the bittersweet tang of separation.

It was the cherry on top of the theme she decided on for her programs this season.

She remembered each and every one of the words that slipped pass Viktor's lips and poured like warmed honey over her ears.

'Russia had always been my homeland, but having you here with me, it brought the context a deeper and more profound meaning...'

'Just remember that whenever I skate, it would always be for you and my dreams as all these medals would always be as well...'

'I love you... Will you be the darling princess of this old and wary prince?'

'My heart will always be wherever you are...'

(Y/N) allows herself a soft chuckle as she opened Skype on her phone and made her way towards the skating rink. Now dressed in her customary jacket with her costume underneath along with white rubbershoes.

She had gotten so used to Viktor holding her skates for her that she's always bound to forget bringing it with her whenever the man isn't around, much to her coach's chagrin.

Despite his constant words of reprimand, complaint, and disapproval though, Maximillian had shown to be more than prepared to bring them with him whenever they would make their way to the rinks.

The (H/C) skater waits for the person to answer her video call. She allowed herself a gentle smile at the drowsy face that flashed on her screen as her receipient answered the call.

It was dark, but a few moments later, the person had reached over its side to flip the switch of a lamp on and it revealed the subject of her thoughts.

Strands of silver wisps flying around in the messy bed-hair look she had grown to adore. The dim lighting of the room highlighted the handsome man's features thus making his sculpted face stand out more, as if he's a mere image in her wildest dreams.

Which he could be, seeing as he isn't here for her to physically touch to prove herself otherwise.

And she thinks he had gotten her message because his smile -despite of his apparent sleepiness- isn't any less loving as it usually is, if anything, it was more so at the moment.

"I must say, I didn't expect you to call, lyubov moya. But I'm glad you did anyway," he smiled one of those close-eyed smiles of his before he seemed to notice she was actually walking and peered closer to the screen of his own phone, "Are you up next?" His turquoise hues wide in anticipation and poorly hidden anxiety that he almost always seemed to share with her despite of their many individual achievements.

(Y/N) nodded her head as she sat on one of the benches inside the locker room and began tying the laces of her skates (Maximillian had handed them over to her before leaving her alone to watch the other skaters upon being greeted by Viktor), setting up her phone to the side in a way that Viktor would still be able to see her.

"Sorry I couldn't be there." She turned afterwards and picked the phone up once more.

Viktor shook his head and gave her a reassuring smile, "As much as I would've wanted you to be here, I understand, love. I would've done the same had I been caught in the same situation as you are right now."

She didn't mean to, but the man's statement had caused her to let out a rather incredulous laugh, "Really? Had you been in my shoes, Yakov would've already had your head within a mere fifteen seconds."

This elicited a charming chuckle from the silver haired skater, "Touché, my dear. That was a fair enough assumption, but I must say you have to make that at least a ten to have both my coach and Yura believe you."

"They'd make that a five." The girl snorted as she sat on one of the benches closest to the edge of the rink to prepare for her turn.

Maximillian then went up to her to try and get her off the phone and on the ice. Though she only ever did comply once the announcer had finally called her name up.

(Y/N) knew that both herself and Viktor had shared the same volumes of reluctance to end the call, like how they shared many other things.

But, as always, it was Viktor who had given her the push. It wasn't a goodbye, no, since they both know he won't be sleeping now and would instead watch her performance live on the television if him rousing up from the bed and making his way towards the sofa to turn the telly on is anything to go by.

"It's time to skate for me, my princess." He winked and (Y/N) inwardly cursed the thousand of butterflies it had set free inside her stomach.

"Idiot." She half-heartedly groaned as she almost stumbled removing her blade guards.

"I love you too, my dearest." His deep voice crooned, almost teasingly, "I'll be watching you now, so please give me your best shot."

This made her rise to face him from the screen of her phone, she was almost guilty to have Maximillian hold the thing for her while her Russian man was being a bit too indiscreet with his flirtation, but she had no intention to make it one-sided.

And so, before she pushed off the barriers and into the ice, she said, in the most coquettish way she could muster at the moment, "Just you watch, mon chérie," she dragged the French words languidly and was pleased to see it was the man's turn to be flustered, "you won't be disappointed." (Y/N) blew him a kiss before pressing the end call button.

What she didn't see was that on that couch inside his hotel room in Barcelona, Viktor had reverently caught the kiss with two fingers and placed them upon his lips as he closed his eyes and savored the momentary reassurance he felt with that simple gesture.

"I miss you, my love..." He whispered into his empty hotel room and the half-muted television showing his beloved skating to the program she choreographed for her free skate.

He smiled in the middle of it all, despite of the bittersweet story that had come across, because he knew, by the way she moves, that he still has her affections in the same way she still has and will always have his.

-----To be continued

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