Christmas Part 5: Mila & Minako - Viktor Nikiforov x Reader

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Minako sighed and took the seat in front of the mirror that Viktor had vacated, "Seriously, those two..." She muttered under her breath. Both Mila and Yuri remaining silent as they allowed her a moment to dramatize her frustration with the two.

The ballerina shook her head and held her throbbing temples, "You'd expect Viktor to at least know how to handle the child like an adult but no. He had to act like one... I mean yea sure he's hot and Yurio's adorable but there's got to be a limit to how puerile attractive individuals can be."

This had Mila laughing, "Yeah, ever since those two have met the only person who could ever make those two behave themselves is (Y/N). But seeing as she isn't around to keep those two on their leashes, it would be chaos, as it had always been."

This made both Japanese turn their full attention to her as if urging her to go on, and she did.

"Viktor and Yuri had met even before (Y/N) came to the picture, but they never seemed to get along quite well.

Despite the age gap, Yuri had always looked at Viktor as a rival and, as you all know, a prodigy like Viktor could barely take a child seriously as a competitor. He only saw it as cute and adorable, and even though he didn't mean any harm by that, Yuri's bound to misunderstand and so, resulted to their little love-hate relationship and god trust me when I said that how those two are acting now is nothing compared to how they were before!" She chuckled fondly, mentally cringing upon remembering that time she had gotten herself caught in the crossfire.

Yuri and Minako seemed to have felt her discomfort though since they both flinched in their places, a look of horror in both their faces.

Before they could even think of any ghastly probabilities though, she decided to continue. For the sake of them all and the Russian boys' reputations.

"Okay, so originally I thought they never met before but then after asking around I was able to gather that Viktor and (Y/N) goes way back, probably around some banquet when (Y/N) was four. Anyways, so around the time of the Junior Grand Prix, Viktor invited her over to come train with us in Russia. Of course she had to live under Viktor's roof and care but it all seemed well.

None of them minded it, neither did any of our co-skaters and coaches, it wasn't out of the ordinary for a prodigy like Viktor to find his very own protégé at such a young age afterall."

Yuri found his brown eyes blinking at the word, "Protégé? But-"

"She's practically Viktor's equal now, yes, I know." Mila cut him off with a smile, "We're the same age but she has natural talent, and having Viktor as your personal instructor at such a fresh age is bound to reap exemplary results." She shook her head with a pleased sigh as she took a seat on the arm of the chair Minako was sitting at, her body facing the Japanese Figure Skater who didn't show any signs of moving anytime soon due to utter shock.

"What else?" Minako prodded, curious as ever when it came to gossips, though she could tell that Mila's telling nothing but the truth it didn't make it any less appealing.

She had always been interested in this (Y/N) that they speak of. Given that she had watched a number of performances on the rink as well, she was still yet to get a clear picture of what the Belladonna really is as a person. Plus the fact that she shares a deeper bond with both Russians made her all the more inquisitive.

Mila tapped a finger on her chin in thought, "Well, the rest had passed by in a blur, really. What stuck to me the most is that one day, during one of Yuri's junior competitions, both (Y/N) and Viktor drove him there and sent him off the ice like overly enthusiastic parents." The red-haired girl giggled at the memory of a stomped Yakov, "Yakov was more than a little unamused. But of course he couldn't say anything because Maximillian was there."

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