All we know - FormerCoach!Viktor Nikiforov x Teen!Skater!FormerStudent!Reader

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-This'll be a low-key V.Nikiforov x Reader angst and a slight Y.Plizetsky x Reader. I just thought it'll only be proper to tell you wonderful lot beforehand in order to avoid confusion.

-Also, this would be based on a song by The Chainsmokers of the same title, and obviously, I do not own the song and the lyrics that I'd be using here.

-The reader would be older than Yurio but Yurio himself would also be older than his age from the animé (let's assume he'd be seventeen or eighteen in here) and Viktor would remain his original age.

That's just about it, please do enjoy.

Work Text:

'Fighting flames with fire
Hang on to burning wires
We don't care anymore...'

That girl skating on the rink is a Russian princess.

(Y/N) didn't even know they still existed after all these years. Figures she just couldn't find it in her system to care since there's more than just a little bit of trouble when it comes to getting involved with royalty.

But, of course, Viktor had just got to get himself involved in such pressing matters like the inner trouble-seeker he is.

It came as a surprise to the (H/C) skater when the announcement of a brand new skater entering the ladies' singles this season had been made. It was unprecedented, no amount of critical calculations would've prepared her for it.

Especially not when Viktor had stepped up the podium beside the brunette woman and introduced himself as her coach.

(Y/N) could feel something stir inside her at that very moment. A bitter feeling almost akin to betrayal.

It made her toss and turn in bed; made her short program seem all the more death-defying; and her feelings stone cold as she fixed herself in nothing else but winning this season's Grand Prix.

Because she couldn't afford to prove herself less than anyone at this point. Not now. Not when Viktor chose to stand beside this brunette Russian taking over the ice this very moment instead of her.

There's something about her that displayed raw elegance. A natural sophistication that could almost overwhelm other competitors.

Key word, other competitors.

(Y/N) is never the type to back down from challenges, such a timely opportunity of having a worthy opponent as such could only be considered one.

"(Y/N)? Are you alright?" Comes Yurio's worried whisper from beside her, his voice much more deeper now. His only visible light green eye glimmering with unadulterated concern as he looks down at her, peeking from the blond strands that escaped the low ponytail he placed his hair in.

The (Y/nationality) skater just then realized that the teen beside her is no longer the adorable fifteen year old whose head she could rest her chin on top of. Neither could she still wrap her arms fully around his shoulders when he stands about nearly a foot taller than her now.

And so she resorts into wrapping her arms around one of the teen's own.

"I am feeling quite fine, little tigryenok (tiger)." Came her monotonous drawl, a tiny smirk flitting across rosy pink lips. I'd love a challenge.

This instantaneously makes Yurio's face flush pink as he turns his head to the side and huffs, "If you're so sure." He folds his arms over his chest, "No need to get so touchy though."

This actually made the girl chuckle, "Don't pretend you don't like it." Her voice was tinkling in some teasing song as she further moves her arms so that she is now hugging the teen's surprisingly toned waist.

Yurio continues to mutter half-hearted complaints but never made a move to completely tell off or pry the girl off of himself.

He initially had no idea what the hell had gotten into the girl that made her all touchy-feely all of a sudden but then he sees the brunette woman skating towards the Kiss & Cry with her coach standing to wait for her with an unreadable mask on his face.

"It's about Viktor, isn't it?" He finds himself hissing because why does he -of all people- had to always be the one to get caught in the middle of these two's crossfire? Always.

It never gets better because those two are doing a hell lot of a good job living up to their titles as Royalties of the Ice.

They're both walking sticklers made of stubborn ice. Always refusing to melt unto one another, always involving other people in thickening the layers of frost their individual masks are made of.

It makes him sick. But that doesn't mean he'll leave the Belladonna's side just yet.

Especially not when (Y/N) is obviously having a hard time dealing with things and Viktor's way too busy frolicking about with some woman to even notice.

It is already a given that (Y/N) would win the short program with another personal best.

Maximillian -her coach and childhood friend- looked unfazed, probably expecting nothing less from her.

Of course winning a program with a personal best automatically earns her one ticket for a favor.

Tonight, she decides to use it to gain the blond coach's permission to sleep over at Yurio's room for the night.

The (Y/nationality) skater is lying on the teen's bed, her (H/C) spread underneath her head like a halo as she mulls over the many things that might've caused everything to get so damned messed up as it did and it only made her head hurt.

The clenching feeling in her chest didn't settle and was only made all the more potent when a nearly animalistic growl had escaped her throat.


"What the hell?!" Yurio practically screeches as he enters the room only to see her lying on his bed dressed in nothing but his bathrobe.

She finds his expression amusing as always.

(Y/N) sits up and gives him a small wave. (H/L) (H/C) still slightly wet from the shower she had just taken, "Dasvidanya," she greets flatly before trudging across the room to retrieve her laptop from her suitcase.

A heavy sigh and it was obvious that the Russian punk is in no condition to argue tonight.

"Whatever. You always do what you want no matter what I say." He dismisses her with a small wave and disappears into the bathroom en suite.

Halfway through closing the door, he sticks his head out to ask, "You did at least leave a towel, right?" He asks, a slight edge of worry in his tone.

"Of course, kotyonok (kitten). I did." (Y/N) smiles reassuringly and waits till the blond had closed the bathroom doors and turned the shower on before booting her laptop.

Casually browsing through her social media accounts, she finds several photos from the Grand Prix earlier. Some of hers and of the other competitors, majority of which are of those of the top 3 medalists on the podium and key moments in every skater's presentations.

But what really piqued her curiosity is the trending discussions for the day. There were two tags that legitimately made her blood boil and her insides twist in dreadful knots.


Underneath it is a complete album compilation of photos taken of Viktor and his student.

The first being from when they reunited after the girl's performance; the second was as they waited for the announcements of the scores from the Kiss & Cry; and the rest were taken from when they were answering questions thrown by the press.

"If this is how he wants to play it, then so be it..." The girl murmurs into the empty room. Her voice equally as hollow as her heart is, yet burning with a flame that is born from something she's still yet to know.

-----To be continued

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