Christmas (Notes) - Viktor Nikiforov x Reader

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As the title had said, this particular chapter would contain the notes for my fanfic 'Christmas'.

I was already in the middle of putting it inside the beginning of the first chapter when I realized that it would actually be rather long and it's not as if the fic being 1k+ words in itself wasn't already lengthy enough and had therefore led to my decision of posting it separately.

Anyhow, here goes~♪

-Probably just like some of the people who had just gotten interested with figure skating because of Yuri on Ice, I literally know close to nothing about the sport and am just starting to watch skating competitions in random and thus am just beginning to learn perhaps a thing or two.
-Points I am not so sure about are: the location, the exact date, and other details about the Grand Prix. If anyone would be willing to help, it would be greatly appreciated.
-For the sake of this fic, I made the Grand Prix for the ladies' singles held at a separate date from the men's and in different locations (which I doubt would even be possible in reality).
-Also, I don't even know if it's possible to hold the Prix in France but you'll see it here.
-Not to mention the time difference between Barcelona and Paris which I might have -more or less, but definitely the former- infinitely screwed up. Because seriously, I had been to neither and have barely gone anywhere else but at school and back home with barely any internet in between so how would I even know?
- I apologize in advance for the inaccuracy of this particular piece (and probably my many others).

Nevertheless, I hope you lot would enjoy and let me know what you feel down the comments~ thanks!


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