Personal Details: Maximillian Bezanté

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General Information
Full Name: Maximillian Claude deLa Fontaine Bezanté

Age: 20 yrs old

Birthday: November 22nd

Blood Type: A

Height: 179 cm

Weight: 50kg

Nationality: French


French Skating Federation - Official
Reader - Childhood friend, Potential suitor, Coach
LeBlanc-DeLune (reader's parents' company) - business partner

Eye Color: Forest Green

Hair Color: Corn Yellow

Hair Length/Style: Straight and waist length, tied in a low ponytail with either a black elastic or a thin strip of ribbon

Skin Color: Pale

Clothing Style: Typical dandy attire of a suit, tie, trousers, and a black trench coat.


Maximillian can be very selective when it comes to the people he trusts and associates himself with.

He finds it terribly bothersome to have to step down to other people's level and cannot be bothered to care about the proper ways and times to point out their faults and is thus often received as egoistic, narcissistic, condescending and tactless.

More often than not, Maximillian uses clever words to strike down someone else's flaws and, therefore, gets away with his insults every now and then. Whether it be to prove his superiority above all others, or his own genuine way of criticism, no one really knows.

He is also very competitive in almost everything he does (especially coaching) and therefore has Yakov, for the most part, as the recipient of his verbal barbs.

He also keeps most things to himself and does his best to act as professional as he can if he isn't being sarcastic and insulting.

Maximillian is also a very gifted skater with the looks to match.

Although he cannot find it in himself to participate in competitive skating mainly because he doesn't find any thrill in it, he ended up coaching (Y/N) instead, a deed that he unexpectedly found himself enjoying.

He might be ruthless when it comes to tolerating other people's mistakes, but he only does so because he believes that doing so would challenge and therefore bring out the best in everyone.

Smart, cunning, and skillful, Maximillian is a force to be reckoned with as both a skating coach and a rival.

-Maximillian and (Y/N) had both known each other ever since they were children mainly because both of their family's intention is to bring their companies together with an arranged marriage.

Unfortunately, both children had seen through their hidden agendas and thus, resulted to them never really getting along quite well.

Despite of being 3 years older than her, (Y/N) had gained the respect of the elusive ten-year old Maximillian by being able to tell something about him that he himself doesn't know.

They fought and bickered through their teenage years and their families (much to both their parents' chagrins) had decided to call their engagement off.

Without the possibility of an unwanted marriage, both teens then decided to accept their differences in an attempt to further understand each other as coach and athlete.

They hit it off rather well but had never really lost their touch of occasional condescending verbal exchanges every now and then.
-As for Viktor, Maximillian had always been skeptical of the then fourteen year old Viktor who agreed to be (Y/N)'s skating mentor.

As mentioned before, the blond boy had never been able to trust so easily and there's just something about how Viktor could be so chirpy and overly enthusiastic that seemed to make the boy all the more dubious of him.

Despite of being seven years younger than Viktor, Maximillian had never really shown that much respect to the man primarily because he still sees himself of a higher stature than the skater seeing as he is a noble.

Maximillian also sees Viktor as a threat when it comes to gaining (Y/N)'s attention and had always acted much more mature than his real age implies and had often been mistaken to be of the same age as Viktor.
-Maximillian often finds entertainment in aggravating the ill-tempered teen through the use of his condescending remarks.

Most of the time, he gets through the Russian teen's nerves by calling him a 'little dog' or telling him to 'stop barking and start biting'. (He knows that the kid likes felines and thus deathly hates its furry counterpart)

Despite of this, Maximillian shows his caring side towards the teen every now and then by either indirectly hinting out the things he should change with his routine, passive words of encouragement, or just plain egging him on to do better by insulting him.

He had been doing so mainly because he sees so much of who he used to be in the boy and thus, wanted to help him but not quite knowing how to properly show it because he himself had been certifiably alone during those times in his life.
-They hate each other from the deepest pits in hell. No other words for that.
-Maximillian doesn't really hold that much of an opinion to skater Yuuri Katsuki but he does acknowledge his excellent cooking and his profound talent in dancing (both on the pole and on the ground).
-He's opinion regarding the Italian man borders between extreme inattentiveness and extreme distaste.
-Maximillian follows the Thai skater's instagram for reasons entirely unknown.
-He'd rather stay out of the hero of Kazakhstan's way if the man would stay out of his.

But he wouldn't deny that he at least went out with the guy for a drink or two at some point.
-No one is still yet to beat the King of Egomania, not even Maximillian himself. Thus, he actually found something he could openly share the same opinion with as the others, and it's the profound hate towards one Jean-Jacques Leroy.

-A~nd that's just about it for Maximillian! I hope this little bit had been able to help you get a clear picture of who he really is as a character.
-Also, no, I do not hate Yakov or JJ or Chris, I love them all okay? This is just Maxi being Maxi and I'm sure he doesn't really hate them that much.

P.S: Maximillian really is just a tsundere, trust me.

Maximillian: Did you just say anything?

Me: Yes, that I named you after my dog.

Maximillian: What?!

-I really did *winks*

Hope you enjoyed! And if you could remember anyone from how Maximillian acts then feel free to guess down the comments because I assure you, there is in fact, a coincidental basis for his character ;)


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