Stuffed Animal Tissue Boxes (Part two) - V.Nikiforov x Reader feat. Yurio

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"I didn't say anything!" Yakov medium-yelled and folded his arms over his chest, looking as if he was crushing the poodle tissue box with the tension in his arms.

Maximillian scoffed, "You just did. I had it recorded."



"You won't get me with your fancy words, you silver spoon fed pimp!"

"I couldn't find it in myself to still be surprised with your insufferable vocabulary. Clearly, you stand by your title as an old underdeveloped chimp."

"Who said I have a title as an underdeveloped chimp?!"

"Oh, you don't? Pity, you would've been quite the incontestible title holder."

"Why you-"

And before Yakov could even actually tackle the younger sharp-tongued coach -Yurio could give it to him, Maximillian had an entertaining range of insults- Yurio could no longer take it and just bursted out in pure rage,

"WHAT THE FUCK?! YOU CALL YOURSELVES ADULTS AND WON'T LET ME FUCKING WATCH IN SILENCE GODDAMMIT GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE YOU OLD MEN IN DIAPERS!" He pointed a shaking finger at both men, face red in anger and his voice booming loud enough to cause reverbrations throughout the rink that the duo's performance had been momentarily paused because of the distraction.

"Whatever." Maximillian rolled his eyes as the announcer called out a warning to one Yuri Plizetsky for disrupting peace during a performance, "Look after this for, (Y/N), like a good little dog, will you?" He then tossed the stuffed animal towards the quivering boy as he left.

Yakov took Yurio's short-lived uncomfortable stupor as his opportunity to shove Viktor's poodle tissue box beside (Y/N)'s in the blond punk's arms, as he left without any other word as well.

Figuring that the extensive embarrassment the teen was bound to face for his outburst would be more than enough payment for calling him an old man in diapers.


Viktor currently had (Y/N) lifted up in the air with both hands on either side of her waist when the announcers signalled the momentary pause of both their music and program.

The (E/C) eyed girl looked equally surprised as he did when their eyes met and he gently lowered her lithe form back down to her feet.

"Yuri Plizetsky of team Russia, you would be called over the judges' corner later for your undue interruption in the middle of a performance." The announcer called out as the entire rink went silent.

"Yura?" (Y/N) exchanged worried looks with Viktor. He seemed pretty much as oblivious to what had transpired during their performance as she is.

"What did he do this time?" The older skater sighed and looked around for his junior, one hand still resting on the girl's petite waist.

"Maybe it wasn't his fault." She defended, also doing her fair share of looking around for Yurio.

Spotting his trembling and fuming form from a distance, (Y/N) immediately grew concerned, "There he is," she leaned upwards to whisper into the taller skater's ear, "he's embarrassed." The girl bit her lip, worry over her precious little tiger threatening to eat her up.

Viktor was quick to catch up to this, pressing a quick kiss on her lips to get the crowd's attention.

Surely enough, the sweet gesture had caused all eyes to turn on them as the formerly silent crowd erupted into cheers and squeals at how their OTP are officially canon now. The tarpaulines and posters of their official joint fandom are raised from practically every row on the bleachers.

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