Close your eyes (and I will make your dreams come true) Part 5: Viktor x Reader

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Had it been years ago, she would've minded her manners and kept the words that would slip pass her mouth as nothing more but praise for the skater should they be given the chance to meet in person. But seeing the Russian hero laugh at the cost of her dignity, he was to be treated like how she would any other person who would do so to her.

"Well at least ripping my dignity to shreds made someone happy."

The man shook his head, face pink and silver wisps of his hair wipping across his face, "N-no. It's not that, it's just that, I think I might know who took that video of yours," he straightened himself once again, one hand rubbing his temples before a thoughtful look crossed his face, "Wow, Yuri wasn't this complicated when I first flew all the way from Russia to Japan the first time and declared that I was to coach him."

(Y/N) froze, 'what does he mean by that?', but she shoved all the idealisms aside and allowed the realist in her to state the facts and delve deeper in pursuit of the truth, "Of course he won't be. He copied your routine perfectly and he had been skating for years. What do you even mean by you flying all the way from Russia to Japan? Did you come back for Yuri?"

Viktor's face was still unreadable and his actions were very limited to innocent blinks, and the occasional tugging at the gloves on each of his hands, "Even Yuri's performance of 'Stay close to me' isn't as flawless as everyone made it out to be," the fond smile on his lips was immediately replaced by a more determined and perhaps slightly mischievous one when he went on, "-but Yuri's not the reason why I came back to Hasetsu."

The girl felt her brows furrow, 'well, at least that's one possiblity off the list', "So you really intended to teach children for how long?"

The sly glimmer of fascination in his eyes were rather distracting, "About two days? But that's besides the point." he folded his arms over his chest and leaned on his heels, staring at her as if he's hinting something she couldn't quite place a finger on just yet.

"Besides the point?" (Y/N) echoed, feeling a nerve pop in her head because he made less and less sense the further they go with this conversation.

And he had just got to go and saunter closer to her like he's practically skating to Eros on the ground whilst merely walking.

Her (E/C) hues laid prisoner to his electrifying gaze and she found her feet unable to move in the most impractical of times seeing as there was merely a few centimeters separating her face from his sturdy chest.

One of his hands slid down from her cheek to settle below her jaw as he gently traced her bottom lip and made her look up at him.

His face donned a charm that would deem onlookers unable to think of anything else other than to stare at such a nice piece of art, much like what his skating does to the audiences, "The point is," he enunciated each word with such languidity that it was almost inappropriate, "I went all the way here to coach the so-called, 'Next Katsuki Yuri'." Viktor's eyes seemed to be scanning each and every single one of her features and (Y/N) doesn't know if his intention is to judge or to simply satisfy his childish curiosity.

"O-oh," she stammered, biting her lip and looking at the lights above the skater or just about anywhere else that isn't fair skin, silver strands, a perfect nose and enticing lips, baby blue eyes or an immaculately sculpted face, "Y-you shouldn't be wasting your time looking in all the wrong places then."

He chuckled, shaking his head as if saying that she's helpless. His vacant hand finding it's way to settle on her hip, "If there's anyone who is looking in all the wrong places, it would be you, dear. You should learn how to look straight into your coach's eyes. Otherwise, we wouldn't get to know each other better."

"What?" her gaze instantaneously snapped back to meet his playful ones, "You've got to be kidding me." she shook her head incredulously, even so, Viktor was able to keep his hands right where they were, "I'm already eighteen. it's too late for me. You would just be wasting your time because there's no way in hell I'd be able to qualify for competitions and put your instructions into use."

Viktor looked more than willing to listen to her rant because he only rose a brow as if urging her to go on.

And so she did, 'I might as well justify myself', her inner self shrugged, too tired to even bother caring, "I would have to start working and earning money in a few months time, it's not as if I still have the luxury to choose anything for myself at this point." the girl sighed helplessly.

As much as she would've wanted to, the only other time this would've been a golden opportunity is if this offer had been made twelve years ago.

Unfortunately, that's not the case.

"Just go find someone else. Surely there'd be more promising skaters here in Japan. Probably younger and much more talented than I am." she took a step back but Viktor refused to let her go.

"But I chose you," he was closer now than he was before, his face drawing inch by torturous inch near, "do you want to know why?"

-----To be continued

Do You Wanna Build A Snowman? - Viktor Nikiforov x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now